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SON Presents Exciting Research Opportunities in Health Disparities Research


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Posted: 10/17/2003

The School of Nursing announces pre- and post-doctoral fellowship openings in September of 2004 in the area of health disparities research. The goal of this program is to prepare creative and independent nurse scientists to identify, prevent, and reduce health disparities in underserved populations. These unique opportunities are funded by a National Institutes of Nursing Research Institutional Training Grant.

The pre-doctoral fellowship includes tuition support while students complete their required coursework, an annual stipend, travel and materials allowance.

The post-doctoral fellowship is for one year, can be once renewed, and includes both an annual stipend and travel and materials allowance.

Applicants for the pre-doctoral fellowship must apply to the School of Nursing doctoral program. Visit http://www.son.jhmi.edu/research/activities/fellowships/ninr/ or call 443-287-2902 for more information.

To apply for the post-doctoral fellowship, send the following materials to Grace Bigelow, Senior Administrative Assistant for Associate Dean for Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, 525 North Wolfe Street, Room 306, Baltimore, MD 21205:

  1. Transcript from previous institution

  2. Writing sample

  3. Recommendations, two minimum

  4. Goal statement that correlates with mission of the grant

  5. Plan of study

Minority candidates are encouraged to apply.