The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008, includes many student disclosures and reporting requirements by universities. These requirements include statistics and/or information on the following subjects:
Retention and graduation rates;
Financial assistance available to students and requirements and restrictions imposed on Title IV aid;
Crime statistics;
Athletic program participation rates and financial support; and
Other institutional information including: the cost of attendance, accreditation and academic program data, facilities and services available to disabled students, and withdrawal and refund policies.
Disclosures applicable to all students across Johns Hopkins University are available on the University’s Higher Education Act Disclosures webpage.
Links to data specific to the School of Nursing are listed below. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs at 667-306-9649 or
General Institutional Information
- Vaccination Policy – The School of Nursing requires pre-enrollment compliance with vaccine and training requirements. Specific vaccine requirements can be found here. Additionally, clinical sites may have other requirements.
Graduate/Professional programs that BA/BS JHU Graduates Enroll In – N/A
Study Abroad information – N/A
Written Agreements – N/A
Student Financial Assistance Information
Student Outcomes
Retention Rates for 1st-time Full-time Students – N/A
Completion/Graduation Rates for 1st-time Full-time Students – N/A
Completion/Graduation Rates for Athletes Receiving Athletic Aid – N/A