Nicole Mollenkopf

Nicole Mollenkopf

PharmD, MBA


Nicole Mollenkopf is a pharmacist with advanced education and experience in the design of safe medication-use systems. Her practice and research are focused on improving medication use safety through optimization of interprofessional collaborative practice and applying systems thinking. She is the director of interprofessional education at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and oversees required and extracurricular interprofessional education experiences for prelicensure and advanced practice nursing students. She is also part of an interprofessional team that teaches pharmacology to nursing students, and she has extensive experience with course design and development. Additionally, she is a Patient Safety Specialist at the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality where she works closely with the human factors engineering team.

She completed her doctor of pharmacy degree at the Temple University School of Pharmacy in 2004 and master of business administration in medical services management at the Johns Hopkins Carey School of Business in 2014. Prior to coming to JHSON, Dr. Mollenkopf was medication safety officer for pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, working closely with medical, pharmacy, and nursing staff to improve medication safety. She was also residency director for the PGY2 medication-use safety pharmacy specialty residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Specialties and Expertise
  • Administration/Healthcare Organizational Leadership
  • Electronic Medical Records
  • Genetics
  • Health Technology
  • Interprofessional
  • Leadership/Organizational Culture
  • Newborns
  • Pediatrics
  • Pharmacology
  • Quality Improvement
  • Safety
  • Transition of Care