Health Care Journalists, Meet Nursing

Sydnee Logan
By Sydnee Logan  | 
Health Care Journalists, Meet Nursing

Over the next few days, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing will join the Johns Hopkins University, as well as the schools of Medicine and Public Health in playing host to the 2019 Association of Health Care Journalists Conference.

To the health care journalists we say, “Welcome!”

We’re so excited for you to meet Dean Davidson, Dr. Nancy Glass, and Dr. Sarah Szanton, to see the incredible advances in simulation, and to take part in our student-led NARCAN training. That’s where you’ll find us on your agenda. Yet that barely scratches the surface when it comes to all that nurses can do, and doesn’t even hint at the incredible stories of Hopkins nurses who are shaping the world around us.

There’s alumna Lauren Underwood of Chicago. She is the youngest African-American woman in the U.S. Congress.

There’s professor Jason Farley. Just last month he shared what HIV strategies work in Baltimore with CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield in order to guide the Ending the HIV Epidemic presidential initiative.

There are professors Kelly Bower and Nicole Warren, who are pioneering new research into black maternal health.

At the bedside and beyond, nurses make up the largest subset of the health care workforce worldwide; with all nurses see, it’s no wonder you find more and more nurses publishing his or her findings in academic journals or being quoted on the news. You’ll find them weighing in on more topics in health care, too.

Over the next few days you’ll get to discover the incredible breadth of nursing, and we can’t wait to show you! In the meantime, this conference is connected. Follow along on Twitter and explore all the places the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing converges with conference sessions.

AHCJ Health Journalism 2019 Program Schedule

Twitter Schedule


(Thursday, 1:45 p.m.) From measles to obesity: Key health trends affecting children & adolescents

We’re home to Dr. Deborah Gross, who is best known for her work in promoting positive parent-child relationships and preventing behavior problems in preschool children from low-income neighborhoods.

We’re also home to Dr. Shawna Mudd (@muddpit5) spent years as a child abuse consultant while also practicing as a primary care provider who specialized in women in substance abuse treatment programs.


(Friday, 9:00 a.m.) Transplantation: The next frontier

Maintaining a patient’s health before they can get a transplant is harder than you think. So Dr. Jesus Casida created an app to help patients maintain the life-saving device they need before they can get a heart transplant.


(Friday, 9:00 a.m.) Seeking a better life for people with Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Bryan Hansen (@bryan_hansen_rn) is a passionate advocate for the health and well-being of older adults with Alzheimer’s. He talks about health disparities within the disease in his blog, Does Dementia Discriminate?


Friday, 10:40 a.m. The lasting effects of childhood exposure to violence

Family violence and intimate partner violence are major areas of focus for us. At lunch on the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing field trip, Dr. Nancy Glass (@ProfGlassPhD) will discuss violence against women and girls.

We’re also home to frequent media contributor Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, the Center for Community Innovation and Scholarship (@JHUSON_CCIAS) led by Associate Dean for Community Programs and Initiatives Dr. Phyllis Sharps, (@PhyllisSharps), and Dr. Teresa Brockie, who works to prevent suicide, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences specializes among Native Americans.


Friday, 10:40 a.m. HIV and Vulnerable Populations

Challenges in HIV are as diverse as the populations the disease impacts. Dr. Jason Farley (@JasonFarleyJHU), Dr. Derek Dangerfield (@DTDangerfield), and Dr. Kamila Alexander (@KamilaAlexander) each specialize in a different HIV-affected population.

From Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine:


Friday, 1:40 p.m. Global health in America: Local health programs modeled on African and Asian initiatives

When conflict happens, people resettle. Dr. Nicole Warren (@NicoleMidwife) is experienced with female genital cutting (FGC), which has become increasingly common in the U.S. due to immigration and refugee resettlement.

We are also home to the Center for Global Initiatives and Secretariat of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery (@WHOCCNM), led by Associate Dean of Global Affairs Dr. Nancy Reynolds (@NancyRReynolds).


(Friday, 1:40 p.m.) Can health disparities for minority women be changed?

Dr. Kelly Bower (@KellyBowerRN) and Dr. Nicole Warren (@NicoleMidwife) are pioneering new research to address the tragic state of black maternal and infant health in the U.S.

From Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine:


(Friday, 4:15 p.m.) What’s new with Medicaid?

Dr. Deborah Gross, and Dr. Eric Slade have jointly published op-eds on Medicaid work requirements.


(Friday, 4:15 p.m.) Exposomics: How early environmental exposures affect life health, disease and development

Dr. Deborah Busch and Dr. JoAnne Silbert-Flagg recently co-authored a blog on Opioid Dependence Among New Mothers.


(Friday, 4:15 p.m.) Hope vs. hype: Reporting on artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is pushing new frontiers in simulation, just ask Dr. Kenneth Dion (@KennethDion), Dr. Kristen Brown (@Kristenb01), or Dr. Nancy Sullivan. Learn about the Simulation Center at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, or take a virtual tour.


(Friday, 4:15 p.m.) Beyond addiction: Medical consequences of opioid misuse

Dr. Vinciya Pandian (@VinciyaPandian) works with patients who have a tracheostomy—often a consequence of substance use.

From Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine:


(Saturday, 9:00 a.m.) Are physician and nurse burnout, staffing shortages harming patient care?

Follow Dean Patricia Davidson (@NursingDean), she’s a Twitter superstar. But did you know Dr. Cynda Rushton (@CyndaEthx) is our resident burnout expert?

From Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine:


(Saturday, 10:40 a.m.) Diagnostic errors are costly and harmful – are they fixable?

Dr. Kelly Gleason (@KTG_RN) and Dr. Sue Verrillo have researched and/or implemented impressive interventions for diagnostic error (like a wearable vital signs monitor in Johns Hopkins Hospital).

But even nurses are susceptible to diagnostic error or miscommunication, as Dr. Gleason and Associate Deal of Clinical Practice Dr. Miki Goodwin (@Miki_Goodwin) can attest.

From Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine:


(Saturday, 3:00 p.m.) Community clinic inroads in oral, primary, mental health

The rise of the Affordable Care Act is driving demand for nurse practitioners nationwide. We need nurse practitioners in rural communities to provide “whole patient care.”

Did you know nurse practitioners are one of U.S. News & World Reports’ best jobs?


(Saturday, 4:40 p.m.) Beyond methadone: Using new medications to treat addiction

Dr. Nancy Goldstein (@GoldsteinNancy1) is pioneering new research to use PReP, an HIV prophylactic, for people with substance use disorder.


(Saturday, 4:40 p.m.) Successful aging in place: What’s working?

Panelist Dr. Sarah Szanton (@Sarah_Szanton) is the director of the Center for Innovative Care in Aging (@AgingCenter), and is well known for CAPABLE, her aging-in-place intervention. Dr. Janiece Taylor (@JanieceLTaylor) recently received a Hillman Hopkins Innovation Fellowship to further the Center and CAPABLE’s work.

Dr. Szanton also leads our newest PROMOTE center (which addresses managing multiple chronic conditions and caring for caregivers), with co-directors Dr. Hae-Ra Han (@han_hhan3) and Dr. Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb (@CDH_JHU).


(Sunday, 9:00 a.m.) Investigating hospital quality

Quality & Safety / Health Systems Management is one of our areas of excellence. Ask Dr. Deborah Baker, Associate Dean for Health Systems Partnership and Innovation, and senior VP for nursing at Johns Hopkins Hospital.



Sydnee Logan is the Social Media and Digital Content Coordinator for Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. She shares what’s going on here with the world.