Black Nurses 365

Black Nurses 365

Written by Ashley White

Black history has ended, but Black history and achievements should be celebrated every day of the year. To that end, meet the Black Student Nurses Association (BSNA). Their mission statement is as follows:

The Black Student Nurses Association at JHSON strives to represent and provide a forum for nurses from diverse backgrounds to advocate and implement strategies to ensure access to the highest quality of health care for persons of color.

The BSNA is committed to serving black and brown communities as well as supporting each other as they navigate through their programs here at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. They also produce events on topics that range from the history of black nurses to strategies to close health care gaps black communities experience.

Tanzania Guest, BSNA member and MSN (Entry Into Nursing) student appreciates being part of the BSNA support system. “When we have our meetings, we always allow time at the end to just talk about our experience maneuvering through the profession as Black women. We can relate to each other,” she reflects.

The Power of WE: An Homage to Black Professionals in Health Care

Dr. Diana Baptiste is the BSNA faculty advisor of BSNA. In addition to supporting the student organization, her research also addresses gaps in health care people of African descent experience, particularly in relation to heart disease. The BSNA and Dr. Baptiste reflect Johns Hopkins’ overall commitment to ensure that all patients, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, or sexual orientation receive the best care. From mentors who look like you, to health care providers who look like you, at Johns Hopkins we know that representation matters! We are taking action to increase our diversity in order to serve communities locally and globally.

We hope that you too will be a part of building a more inclusive and equitable health care environment.

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Admissions Talks is a series by the admissions team at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Hopkins nurses are full partners and leaders in the health care process, and their role in patient care is unmatched. The admissions team is here to offer advice and guidance on how to be a competitive applicant. Admissions & Financial Aid at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

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Ashley White is Assistant Director for Diversity Initiatives at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Contact her at 410-955-7791 or [email protected].