The year to date in publications from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing researchers—faculty, students, and alumni—have continued to set the bar high for depth, reach, and output. Below is a list of much of that impactful work, stressing equity and community care and charting a path for future advances in health care, patient safety, and nursing education. (Click on images embedded below to read corresponding articles.)
*Asterisk denotes lead author
“Methods and Operational Aspects of Human-Centered Design into Research Processes for Individuals with Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Survey Study,” Hae-Ra Han*, Ji Won Lee, Martha Abshire Saylor, Erika Hornstein, Vidisha Agarwalla, Anushka Jajodia, Qiwei Li, Patricia Davidson, Sarah Szanton and colleagues — Nursing Open
“Are EPB41 and Alpha-Synuclein Diagnostic Biomarkers of Sport-Related Concussion? Findings from the NCAA and Department of Defense CARE Consortium,” Rany Vorn*, Jessica Gill and colleagues — Journal of Sport and Health Science
“Determinants of Daytime Sleepiness Among Middle-Aged Adults,” Xiaoyue Liu*, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Cheryl Himmelfarb, Junxin Li and colleagues — Clinical Nursing Research
“Defining Effective Communication for Critically Ill Patients with an Artificial Airway: An International Multi-Professional Consensus,” Vinciya Pandian and colleagues — Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
“Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty and Penetrating Keratoplasty for Keratoconus: A Claims-Based Analysis,” Varshini Varadaraj and colleagues — Cornea
“Using Wearable Technology to Prevent Pressure Injuries: An Integrative Review,” Rebecca Wright and colleagues — Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing
“A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test a Behavioral Sleep Intervention to Improve Insomnia Symptoms in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: Multicomponent Behavioral Sleep Intervention (MBSI) Protocol,” Junxin Li and colleagues — Contemporary Clinical Trials

“Tailoring a Home-Based, Multidisciplinary Deprescribing Intervention Through Clinicians and Community-Dwelling Older Adults,” Ji Won Lee*, Erika Hornstein, Sarah LaFave, Quinn Seau, Sarah Szanton and colleagues — Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
“Social Norms About Handling Financial Challenges in Relation to Health-Protective Capacity Among Low-Income Older Adults,” Laura Samuel*, Rebecca Wright, Janiece Taylor, Laken Roberts Lavigne and Sarah Szanton — The Gerontologist
“Food Insecurity and Cognitive Trajectories in Community-Dwelling Medicare Beneficiaries 65 Years and Older,” Boeun Kim*, Laura Samuel, Sarah Szanton and colleagues — JAMA Network Open
“Defining a Taxonomy of Medicare-Funded Home-Based Clinical Care Using Claims Data,” Katherine Ornstein and colleagues — BMC Health Services Research
“Symptom Management Experiences of End-of-Life Caregivers: A Population-based Study,” Katherine Ornstein and colleagues — Journal of Pain Symptom Management
“Loneliness Is Associated with Lower Coping Self-Efficacy Among Older Adults,” Ji Lee, Paula Nersesian, Jonathan Suen, Jessica Gill, Sarah Szanton, Melissa Hladek and colleague — Journal of Applied Gerontology
“Caregiving-Related Work Productivity Loss Among Employed Family and Other Unpaid Caregivers of Older Adults,” Laura Samuel and colleagues — Value in Health
“It’s More Than Language: Cultural Adaptation of a Proven Dementia Care Intervention for Hispanic/Latino Caregivers,” Katherine Marx and colleagues — The Gerontologist
“ ‘We’re All We Got Is Each Other’: Mixed-methods Analysis of Patient-caregiver Dyads’ Management of Heart Failure,” Katie Nelson*, Martha Abshire Saylor, Annabel Anderson, Lyndsay DeGroot, Marlena Fisher, Noelle Pavlovic, Sarah Szanton and colleagues — Heart & Lung
“Analysis of Action Planning, Achievement and Life Purpose Statements in an Intervention to Support Caregivers of Persons with Heart Failure,” Martha Saylor*, Samantha Curriero, Lyndsay DeGroot, Katie Nelson, Noelle Pavlovic, Janiece Taylor, Sarah Szanton and colleagues — Heart & Lung
“Heterogeneity in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Latino Immigrant Subgroups: Evidence from the 2010 to 2018 National Health Interview Survey,” Sabrina Elias*, Ruth-Alma Turkson-Ocran, Binu Koirala, Samuel Byiringiro, Diana Baptiste, Cheryl R Himmelfarb, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah — Journal of the American Heart Association
“Addressing Hypertension Among Haitian Adults with Insufficient Access to Quality Healthcare: A Discursive Review,” Beatrice Remy Marseille*, Jean Thorpe-Williams, Lucine Francis, Sabianca Delva, Nia Josiah, Diana-Lyn Baptiste and colleagues — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Predictors of Self-care Among Chinese Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Situation-Specific Theory-Guided Structural Equation Model Analysis,” Binu Koirala, Patricia Davidson and colleagues — Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
“Adverse Childhood Experiences, Depression, Patient Activation, and Medication Adherence Among Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension,” Nancy Perrin, Lisa Cooper and colleagues — American Journal of Hypertension

“The Impact of COVID-19 on Relationships Between Family/Friend Caregivers and Care Staff in Continuing Care Facilities: A Qualitative Descriptive Analysis,” Anna Beeber and colleagues — BMC Nursing
“COVID-19 Related Negative Emotions and Emotional Suppression Are Associated with Greater Risk Perceptions Among Emergency Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study,” Kelly Gleason and colleagues — International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances
“Nursing Students with Disabilities: A Guide to Providing Accommodations,” Laura Lucas*, Joanne Silbert-Flagg, and Rita D’Aoust — Nursing Clinics of North America
“The Innovative Development of a Virtual Global Classroom: An Interprofessional Partnership For Advanced-Level Nursing Education,” Brenda Douglass* and colleagues — International Journal of Nursing Studies
“Hand Hygiene Practices in Caribbean and Latin American Countries: An Integrative Review,” Sabianca Delva*, Beatrice Marseille, Teresa Pfaff, Diana-Lyn Baptiste and colleagues — Journal of Clinical Nursing
“High-Fidelity Simulation and Nurse Clinical Competence: An Integrative Review,” Laura O’Rourke*, Megan Morrison, Valerie Cotter and colleague — Journal of Clinical Nursing
“The Consequences of Emotionally Evocative Patient Behaviors on Emergency Nurses’ Patient Assessments and Handoffs: An Experimental Study Using Simulated Patient Cases,” Kelly Gleason and colleagues — International Journal of Nursing Studies
“A Qualitative Study of Mid-Level Nurse Managers’ Perspectives of Scholarly Inquiry,” Karan Kverno and colleagues — Journal of Nursing Administration
“Disability, Program Access, Empathy and Burnout in U.S. Medical Students: A National Study,” Bonnielin Swenor and colleagues— Medical Education
“A Systematic Review of U.S. Nursing Faculty’s Knowledge, Awareness, Inclusion, and Perceived Importance of Sexual and Gender Minority-Related Content in Nursing Curricula,” Kelly Bower, Athena Sherman and colleagues — Nursing Outlook
“Nursing Pre-Licensure and Graduate Education for LGBTQ Health: A Systematic Review,” Athena Sherman*, Kelly Bower and colleagues — Nursing Outlook

“Addressing Health Disparities of Individuals Experiencing Homelessness in the U.S. with Community Institutional Partnerships: An Integrative Review,” Jennifer Lee*, Emma Jagasia and Patty Wilson — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Addressing Systemic Racism and Intergenerational Transmission of Anxiety Using Bowenian Family Therapy with African American Populations: A Discursive Paper,” Nia Josiah*, Tamar Rodney, Maureen Ndzi, Patty Wilson, Diana-Lyn Baptiste and colleagues — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Contraceptive Decision-Making Through the Lens of Social Determinants of Health Among Female Sex Workers: A Qualitative Descriptive Study,” Jessica Zemlak*, Kamila Alexander, Deborah Wilson and colleague — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social Problem-Solving, and Mental Health Among Latina Immigrants,” Teresa Brockie, Nancy Perrin, Maria Jose Sanchez-Roman, Lia Escobar-Acosta, Lisa Cooper, and colleagues — Journal of Interpersonal Violence
“AddREssing Social Determinants TO pRevent hypErtension (The RESTORE Network): Overview of the Health Equity Research Network to Prevent Hypertension,” Lisa Cooper, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah and colleagues — American Journal of Hypertension
“Cultural Protection from Polysubstance Use Among Native American Adolescents and Young Adults,” Teresa Brockie*, Jacquelyn Campbell, Jason Farley, Joan Kub, Katie Nelson and colleagues — Prevention Science
“Structural Ableism: Essential Steps for Abolishing Disability Injustice,” Bonnielin Swenor and colleague — New England Journal of Medicine
“Indigenous Determinants of Health: A Unified Call for Progress,” Allison Kelliher and colleagues — The Lancet
“Barriers and Facilitators to Primary Care Engagement for People Who Inject Drugs: A Systematic Review,” Omeid Heidari*, Jason Farley and colleagues — Journal of Nursing Scholarship
“Erratum: HTPN 078: An Enhanced Case Management Study to Achieve Viral Suppression Among Viremic HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States,” Jason Farley and colleagues — AIDS
“Transforming Moral Suffering by Cultivating Moral Resilience and Ethical Practice,” Cynda Hylton Rushton — American Journal of Critical Care
“Patient and Care Partner Assessments of Diagnostic Excellence in the Emergency Department: A Cognitive Interview Study,” Aaron Wiegand*, Kathryn McDonald, Kelly Gleason and colleagues — International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances
“A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Effective Leadership and Leadership Development Strategies Used by Nurse Leaders in European Island Countries,” Victoria Hughes*, Rebecca Wright, Janice Taylor, Claire Petchler, and Catherine Ling — Nursing Open
“The Mindful Ethical Practice and Resilience Academy: Sustainability of Impact,” Cynda Hylton Rushton*, Sandra Swoboda, Teresa Reimer, Ginger Hanson and colleague — American Journal of Critical Care

“Providing Gender-affirming and Inclusive Care to Transgender Men Experiencing Pregnancy,” Hillary Chu*, Lee Kirby, Ashley Booth, Meredith Klepper, Kelly Bower, Erin Wright and a colleague — Midwifery
“Racial Capitalism and the U.S. Formula Shortage: A Policy Analysis of the Formula Industry as a Neocolonial System,” Cecília Tomori* and colleague — Frontiers in Sociology, 7
“A Conceptual Framework for Group Well-Child Care: A Tool to Guide Implementation, Evaluation, and Research,” Ashley Gresh*, Deborah Wilson, Nancy Glass and colleagues — Maternal and Child Health Journal
“Experiences of Racism and Perinatal Depression: Findings from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2018,” Kelly Bower*, Noelene Jeffers and colleagues — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Evaluation of implementation outcomes of an integrated group postpartum and well-child care model at clinics in Malawi,” Ashley Gresh*, Nancy Perrin, Nicole Warren, Nancy Glass and colleagues — BMC Pregnancy Childbirth
“Breastfeeding: Crucially Important, but Increasingly Challenged in a Market-Driven World,” Cecília Tomori and colleagues, on behalf of the 2023 Lancet Breastfeeding Series Group — The Lancet
“Examining Processes of Care Redesign: Direct Observation of Group Well-Child Care,” Ashley Gresh* and colleagues— Clinical Pediatrics
“Marketing of Commercial Milk Formula: a System to Capture Parents, Communities, Science, and Policy,” Cecília Tomori and colleagues, on behalf of the 2023 Lancet Breastfeeding Series Group —The Lancet
“Beyond ‘patient-provider race matching.’ Black midwives clarify a vision for race-concordant care to achieve equity in Black perinatal health: A commentary on, Do Black birthing persons prefer a Black health care provider during birth? Race concordance in birth?,” Noelene Jeffers and colleagues— Birth
“Associations of Dual Sensory Impairment with Long-term Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in the United States,” Bonnielin Swenor and colleagues — Journal of Affective Disorders
“Honoring the Past and Charting the Future: The International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses’ Commitment to Advance Diversity and Equity in Mental Health Care,” Tamar Rodney and colleagues — Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
“Integration of Primary Care Services Into a Nurse Practitioner Telemental Health Practice: Review of Literature to Guide Best Practices,” Ashley Fenton*, Katherine Humphrey, Lourdes celius, Colleen King Goode, Amanda Rohde and a colleague — Journal for Nurse Practitioners
“A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effects of Behavioral Weight Loss Treatment on Hippocampal Volume and Neurocognition,” Ariana Chao* and colleagues — Physiology and Behavior
“Recruitment of Diverse Community Health Center Patients in a Pragmatic Weight Gain Prevention Trial,” Hailey Miller* and colleagues — Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
” ‘We Bleed for Our Community’: A Qualitative Exploration of the Implementation of a Pragmatic Weight Gain Prevention Trial from the Perspectives of Community Health Center Professionals,” Hailey Miller and colleagues — BMC Public Health
“Palliative Care Needs of Physically Frail Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Heart Failure,” Lyndsay DeGroot*, Noelle Pavlovic, Nancy Perrin, Sarah Szanton, Martha Abshire Saylor and colleagues — Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
“Recruitment, Retention and Intervention Delivery Experiences with Hospice Family Caregivers,” Martha Saylor and colleagues — American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
“Safety Planning with Marginalized Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Challenges of Conducting Safety Planning,” Bushra Sabri*, Jacquelyn Campbell, and colleagues — Trauma, Violence & Abuse
“Didn’t Put a Label on It: Examining Intimate Partner Strangulation Within a Diagnostic Framework,” Michelle Patch*, Jocelyn Anderson, Kamila Alexander, Frank Somoano, Gabor Kelen, Jacquelyn Campbell and colleague — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Post-Separation Abuse: A Concept Analysis,” Kathryn Spearman*, Jacquelyn Campbell and colleague — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“Conducting Digital Intervention Research Among Immigrant Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Methodological, Safety and Ethical Considerations,” Bushra Sabri* and colleagues — Journal of Family Violence
“Promoting Community Institutional Partnerships to Improve the Health of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors Experiencing Homelessness,” Emma Jagasia*, Jennifer Lee and Patty Wilson — Journal of Advanced Nursing
“An Examination of the Association Between Forced Sex History and Reproductive Coercion Experiences Among Black Women Attending STD Clinics in Baltimore, MD, USA,” Andrea Cimino, Jacquelyn Campbell and colleagues— Reproductive Health
“Advancing the Measurement of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Health Workers Who Care for Women and Girls Who Have Undergone Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): A Qualitative Exploration of Expert Opinion,” Nicole Warren, Nancy Glass and colleagues — PLoS One
“A Cascade of Care Model for Suicide Prevention,” Eric Slade and colleagues — American Journal of Preventive Medicine