Carolyn C. Boykin, ’56 passed away at the age of 92 in early May. When she retired at 82, she was considered one of the oldest nurses still working at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Diana Baptiste, ’18, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, ’14, and Nia Josiah, ’20 co-wrote an article for Nursing Open about unethical research practices and the history of Henrietta Lacks.

Stacey Garnett, ’96 was promoted to chief nursing officer at Sheppard Pratt, the nation’s largest nonprofit provider of mental health and substance use services.
Rachel Walker, ’07, ’13 was named as one of the top 12 nurses who advocate for LGBTQ+ patients by the Nurse Journal.
Lisa Rowen, ’98, ’04 was appointed to the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health board of directors.
Congratulations to the following JHSON alumni inducted as 2022 fellows in the American Academy of Nursing:
Kelly Bower, ’00, ’02
John Cranmer, ’04, ’07
Kelly Gleason, ’18
Marian Grant, ’00, ’02
Michelle Patch, ’08, ’19

Cori Baill, ’78, ’89 published the children’s picture book Why Is Mommy Crying?—explaining early pregnancy loss to young children. The book offers a gentle springboard from which to discuss broader concepts surrounding grief and recovery.

Katie Munday Williams, ’04 published the children’s picture book Poet, Pilgrim, Rebel: The Story of Anne Bradstreet, America’s First Published Poet and it has been recognized by the Missouri Association of School Librarians as one of the top K-2 nonfiction books of the year.
Alex Gottsch, ’17 published the e-book Navigating the ICU: A Guide for Patients and Families. The book aims to improve the entire ICU experience by empowering the patient and family in partnering with medical staff.
Julie Nicholas, ’94 is the lead author on the article Addressing Underreporting of Blood and Other Body Fluid Exposures Among Perioperative Personnel published in AORN October 2021.
Baltimore Magazine included several JHSON alumni in its Excellence in Nursing Awards for 2022:
Lora Clawson, ’99
Laura Daly, ’12
Yaffa Elefant, ’17
Sarah Finlayson, ’09
Elizabeth Foreman, ’14
Anna Noguchi, ’15
Rene Schumante, ’91, ’00, ’07
Margaret West, ’16
Bradley Kuo, ’16 and Nancy Russell, ’19 were elected as AANP State Representatives for Hawaii and Washington, DC. Their terms began in June 2022.
Ruby Monica Sanford, ’97 was appointed to the new American College of Cardiology, Critical Care Cardiology Leadership Council by the director of research & cardiology at NIH, Michael Solomon. She is the only nurse practitioner on the council.
In Memoriam
Susan Barker Baird, ’63
Carolyn Croker Boykin, ’53
Judith A. Cannon, ’72
Patricia C. Ford, ’76
Donna Currier Gude, ’46
Rose-Marie Dery Jones, ’56
Florence Smith Milliot, ’56
Mary Carbery Boyle Morrow, ’46
Mary Sidwell Poole, ’54
Karen Newberry Shaw, ’65
MaryAnn Quink Slowick, ’61
Darlyn Schaeffer Warwick, ’66
Ashley Daisey Wiggins, ’09
Kathryn Wells Young, ’46