Summer Research Roundup 2021

Spring 2014 As Seen in Our Spring 2014 Issue
Summer Research Roundup 2021


COVID to cardio, the year to date in publications from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

With a global pandemic continuing to test the flexibility and stamina of health care communities, it could be easy to forget the tremendous and multi-faceted need for nursing research and innovation that existed before COVID-19 and will be with us long after it and its Greek-lettered variants are no longer front-page news.

Yet researchers from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing continue to churn out discoveries on aging, cardiovascular care, sleep, violence, disparities, HIV, mental health, and, yes, COVID. Featured here is a collection of publications on those topics and more from the beginning of 2021 to the present, with much, much more research under way.


A Call to Action to Address Disparities in Palliative Care Access: A Conceptual Framework for Individualizing Care Needs,” Katie Nelson*, Rebecca Wright, Marlena Fisher, Binu Koirala, Patricia Davidson & colleagues —Journal of Palliative Medicine

Nursing Presence During Death: An End-of-Life Simulation Created by Students and Faculty,” Valerie Cotter, Jennifer Wenzel, Jessica Ockimey, Bryan Hansen, Nancy Sullivan & colleagues —Collegian

Timing of Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders and Health Care Utilization Near the End of Life in Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study,” Chao Hsing Yeh & colleagues —Supportive Care in Cancer


Influence of Social Support on Asthma Self-Management in Adolescents,” Elizabeth Sloand* & colleagues —Journal of Asthma

High Social Coping Self-Efficacy Associated With Lower Sweat Interleukin-6 in Older Adults With Chronic Illness,” Melissa Hladek*, Karen Bandeen-Roche, Qian-Li Xue, Jerilyn Allen, Sarah Szanton & colleagues —Journal of Applied Gerontology

Factors Associated with Missed Appointments by Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review,” Chun-An Sun*, Kathryn Taylor, Susan Renda, Hae-Ra Han & colleagues —BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care

Nonopioid Management of Chronic Pain,” Susan Renda*, Tammy Slater —Journal of Radiology Nursing

Percutaneous Tracheostomy,” Vinciya Pandian & colleagues —New England Journal of Medicine

Use of Electronic Recruitment Methods in a Clinical Trial of Adults with Gout,” Kelly Gleason, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb & colleagues —Clinical Trials

Advance Care Planning Shared Decision-Making Tools for Non-Cancer Chronic Serious Illness: A Mixed Method Systematic Review,” Lyndsay DeGroot, Valerie Cotter & colleagues —American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine


Time for a Reset and Recalibration: Healthcare in the Post COVID Era,” Patricia Davidson* and Michelle Patch —International Journal of Nursing Sciences

Preserving Integrity and Staying Power as a Nurse in a Pandemic,” Cynda Rushton* —American Journal of Nursing

COVID-19 Survivorship: How Otolaryngologist-Head And Neck Surgeons Can Restore Quality Of Life After Critical Illness,” Vinciya Pandian* & colleagues —American Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery

Invisible Moral Wounds of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Are We Experiencing Moral Injury?” Cynda Rushton* & colleagues —AACN Advanced Critical Care

The Intersection of Depression, Anxiety, and Cardiovascular Disease Among Black Populations Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Nia Josiah*, Patty Wilson, Tamar Rodney, Joyell Arscott, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Ruth Alma Turkson-Ocran, Oluwabunmi Ogungbe, Janelle Akomah, Diana Baptiste & colleagues —Journal of Clinical Nursing

Shared Decision-making and Stakeholder Engagement in COVID-19 Tracheostomy,” Vinciya Pandian & colleagues —JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Operational Recommendations for Scarce Resource Allocation in a Public Health Crisis,” Cynda Rushton & colleagues —Chest

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: How Do We Expand Capacity in the COVID-19 Era?” Kelly Gleason, Patricia Davidson & colleagues —Heart Lung and Circulation


Mindful Ethical Practice and Resilience Academy: Equipping Nurses to Address Ethical Challenges,” Cynda Rushton*, Sandra Swoboda, Ginger Hanson & colleagues —American Journal of Critical Care

Ethical Dilemmas for Nursing Students and Faculty: In Their Own Voices,” Cynda Rushton, Kyra J. Waligora Mendez & colleagues —Nursing Education Perspectives


Unwanted Sexual Acts among University Students: Correlates of Victimization and Perpetration,” Jacquelyn Campbell*, Bushra Sabri, Chakra Budhathoki & colleagues —Journal of Interpersonal Violence

From myPlan to ourCircle: Adapting a Web-Based Safety Planning Intervention for Native American Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence,” Nancy Glass, Bushra Sabri, Teresa Brockie & colleagues —Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work

The Relationship Between Housing Instability and Intimate Partner Violence: A Retrospective Study,” Patty Wilson, Phyllis Sharps & colleagues —Public Health Nursing

Birth Control Sabotage as a Correlate of Women’s Sexual Health Risk: An Exploratory Study,” Kamila Alexander & colleagues —Women’s Health Issues

Exploring Reproductive Coercion in Relationship Contexts Among Young Adult, Primarily African American Women at Three Women’s Health Clinics,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Pregnancy-Associated Deaths from Homicide, Suicide, and Drug Overdose: Review of Research and the Intersection with Intimate Partner Violence,” Jacquelyn Campbell* & colleagues —Journal of Women’s Health

Recognising and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence Using Telehealth: Practical Guidance for Nurses and Midwives,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Journal of Clinical Nursing

Feminine Gender Norms and Syndemic Harmful Drinking, Sexual Violence, and Sexually Transmitted Infections among Black Women at Risk for HIV,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues—Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Latina and Caribbean Immigrant Women’s Experiences with Intimate Partner Violence: A Story of Ambivalent Sexism,” Carmen Alvarez*, Bushra Sabri, Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Longitudinal Impact of the myPlan App on Health and Safety Among College Women Experiencing Partner Violence,” Nancy Glass, Amber Clough, Jacquelyn Campbell, Andrea Gielen, Karen Trister Grace, Rachael Turner, Carmen Alvarez, James Case, Jamie Barnes-Hoyt, Ginger Hanson, Nancy Perrin & colleagues —Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Assessing Domestic Violence Shelter Workers Views and Practices Pertaining to HIV Prevention Services for Women Residing in Domestic Violence Shelters,” Kamila Alexander, Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Identifying Patterns of Health Care Utilisation among Physical Elder Abuse Victims Using Medicare Data and Legally Adjudicated Cases: Protocol for Case-Control Study Using Data Linkage and Machine Learning,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —BMJ Open

Teen Dating Violence and the Acceptability of a Safety Decision Aid: Perspectives of Puerto Rican Youth,” Carmen Alvarez —Hispanic Health Care International

The Arizona Intimate Partner Homicide (AzIPH) Study: A Step Toward Updating and Expanding Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Homicide,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Journal of Family Violence

Persistence and Potential Lethality in Intimate Partner Violence: Evaluating the Concurrent and Predictive Validity of a Dual Risk Assessment Protocol,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Violence Against Women

United States ED Visits by Adult Women for Nonfatal Intimate Partner Strangulation, 2006 to 2014: Prevalence and Associated Characteristics,” Michelle Patch*, Nancy Perrin, Jacquelyn Campbell —Journal of Emergency Nursing

An Integrative Review of Safety Strategies for Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” Nancy Glass & colleagues —Trauma, Violence, and Abuse

Safety Planning with Marginalized Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Challenges of Conducting Safety Planning Intervention Research with Marginalized Women,” Bushra Sabri*, Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Trauma, Violence & Abuse

Characteristics, Incidence, and Trends of Intimate Partner Homicides in Massachusetts: Patterns by Birthplace, Race, and Ethnicity,” Bushra Sabri*, Julia Wiener & colleagues —Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody and Child Development


So I Am Stuck, but It’s OK”: Residential Reasoning and Housing Decision-Making of Low-Income Older Adults with Disabilities in Baltimore, Maryland,” Manka Nkimbeng, Laken Roberts, Janiece Taylor, Sarah Szanton & colleagues  —Housing and Society

Perceived Decisional Control as a Mediator between Moving to Assisted Living Due to Caregiver Burden and Relocation Adjustment,” Natalie Regier* & colleague —Clinical Gerontologist

Disability Prevention Program Improves Life-Space and Falls Efficacy: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Sarah Szanton & colleagues —Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Recruiting Persons with Dementia and Caregivers in a Clinical Trial: Dyads Perceptions,” Junxin Li —Western Journal of Nursing Research

Practical Recommendations for Timely, Accurate Diagnosis of Symptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease (MCI and Dementia) in Primary Care: A Review and Synthesis,” Valerie Cotter & colleagues —Journal of Internal Medicine

Accelerated Epigenetic Age in Normal Cognitive Aging of Korean Community-Dwelling Older Adults,” Nada Lukkahati & colleagues —Biological Research for Nursing

Engagement in Favorite Activity and Implications for Cognition, Mental Health, and Function in Persons Living with and without Dementia,” Natalie Regier, Nancy Perrin & colleagues —Journal of Applied Gerontology

The Use of Community Advisory Boards in Pragmatic Clinical Trials: The Case of the Adult Day Services Plus Project,” Katherine Marx & colleagues — Home Health Care Services Quarterly

Place of Death for Persons with and without Cognitive Impairment in the United States,” Natalie Regier*, Valerie Cotter, Bryan Hansen, Janiece Taylor & Rebecca Wright —Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Associations between Symptoms of Pain, Insomnia and Depression, and Frailty in Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of a Cohort Study,” Manka Nkimbeng, Janiece Taylor, Sarah Szanton & colleagues —International Journal of Nursing Studies

Pilot Outcomes of a Multicomponent Fall Risk Program Integrated into Daily Lives of Community-Dwelling Older Adults,” Sarah Szanton”, Melissa Hladek, Katherine Marx & colleagues —Journal of Applied Gerontology

Pain in Persons with Dementia and the Direct and Indirect Impacts on Caregiver Burden,” Natalie Regier*, Janiece Taylor, Sarah Szanton, Nancy Perrin, Emerald Jenkins & colleagues —Geriatric Nursing

Symptom Profiles, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Clinical Blood Markers Among Korean Community-Dwelling Older Adults Living with Chronic Conditions,” Nada Lukkahatai, Nancy Perrin & colleagues. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Osteoporosis Health Beliefs and Self-Efficacy Among Orthopedic Nurses in Hunan Province, China,” Nancy Reynolds & colleagues —International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing

The Effects of Four Doses of Vitamin D Supplements on Falls in Older Adults: A Response-Adaptive, Randomized Clinical Trial,” Sarah Szanton & colleagues —Annals of Internal Medicine

The Effect of Resistance Training on Sleep in Chinese Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Junxin Li, Sarah Szanton & colleagues —Geriatric Nursing


Psychological Health, Well-Being, and the Mind-Heart-Body Connection: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association,” Yvonne Commodore-Mensah & colleagues —Circulation

Rationale for Targeted Self-Management Strategies for Breathlessness in Heart Failure,” Reiko Asano, Nancy Perrin & colleagues —Heart Failure Reviews

Association of Perceived Stress and Discrimination on Medication Adherence among Diverse Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension,” Carmen Alvarez*, Nadia Andrade, Lisa Cooper & colleagues —Ethnicity and Disease

Social Determinants of Health as Potential Influencers of a Collaborative Care Intervention for Patients with Hypertension,” Carmen Alvarez, Lisa Cooper & colleagues —Ethnicity and Disease

Social Determinants of Emergency Department Visits among Persons Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke,” Diana Baptiste*, Ruth Alma Turkson-Okran, Hae-Ra Han, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, and Yvonne Commodore-Mensah —Ethnicity and Disease

A Review of Inpatient Nursing Workload Measures,” Patricia Davidson, Binu Koirala & colleagues —Journal of Clinical Nursing

Polytobacco Use Among a Nationally-Representative Sample of Black High School Students,” Derek Dangerfield —BMC Public Health

Social Determinants of Hypertension and Diabetes Among African Immigrants: The African Immigrants Health Study,” Oluwabunmi Ogungbe*, Ruth Alma Turkson-Ocran, Manka Nkimbeng, Joycelyn Cudjoe, Diana Baptiste, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, Patricia Davidson, Lisa Cooper, and Yvonne Commodore-Mensah —Ethnicity and Health

Competence, Challenges and Attitudes of Bedside Nurses Caring for Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices,” Jesus Casida & colleagues —Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

Health-related Quality of Life and Its Predictors in Korean Patients with Myocardial Infarction in the Acute Phase,” Hae-Ra Han & colleagues —Clinical Nursing Research

Talking Around It”: A Qualitative Study Exploring Dyadic Congruence in Managing the Uncertainty of Living with a Ventricular Assist Device,” Lyndsay DeGroot*, Anna Peeler, Luke Larsen, Patricia Davidson, Martha Abshire & colleague —Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

Predicting Post-LVAD Outcome: Is There a Role for Cognition?” Jesus Casida & colleagues —International Journal of Artificial Organs

Long-Term Survival and Causes of Death in Children with Trisomy 21 After Congenital Heart Surgery,” Jennifer Peterson* & colleagues —Journal of Pediatrics

Heart Analytics: Analytical Modeling of Cardiovascular Care,” Kelly Gleason, Patricia Davidson & colleagues —Naval Research Logistics

Neighborhood Characteristics and Cardiovascular Biomarkers in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: The Baltimore Memory Study,” Laken Roberts*, Laura Samuel & colleague —Journal of Urban Health

Improving Hypertension Knowledge, Medication Adherence, and Blood Pressure Control: A Feasibility Study,” Beatrice Marseille*, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Patricia Davidson, Deborah Baker, Rita D’Aoust, and Diana Baptiste  —Journal of Clinical Nursing

Efficacy of Mobile Health for Self-management of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Theory-Guided Systematic Review,” Sabianca Delva, Kyra J. Waligora Mendez, Mia Cajita, Binu Koirala, Hae-Ra Han & colleagues —Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing


Low-Income Parents’ Perceptions of and Engagement with a Digital Behavioral Parent Training Program: A Mixed-Methods Study,” Hailey Miller, Deborah Gross & colleagues —Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association

“Strategies to Improve Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Rates among Adolescents in Family Practice Settings in the United States: A Systematic Review,” Lauren Eisenhauer*, Bryan Hansen, and Vinciya Pandian —Journal of Clinical Nursing

Associated Factors of Habitual Midday Napping Among Chinese Adolescents,” Junxin Li & colleagues —Sleep and Biological Rhythms


Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Mental Illness with Implications for Evaluation and Treatment,” Karan Kverno* —Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services

A 12-Week Evidence-Based Education Project to Reduce Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk in Adults with Serious Mental Illness in the Integrated Care Setting,” Phyllis Sharps, Karan Kverno & colleagues —Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association

Psychiatric Emergencies and the Potential Role of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioners,” Karan Kverno*, Emma Mangano —Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services

Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders among Undergraduate University Students in the United States: A Review,” Christopher Rhodes, Emerald Jenkins, Clifton Thornton, Tamar Rodney & colleague —Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services


Preparing the Healthcare Workforce in South Africa for Short-Course Rifampicin-Resistant TB Treatment: Inter-Professional Training and Task-Sharing Considerations,” Jason Farley*, Khaya Mlandu, Kelly Lowensen, Keri Geiger, Yen Nguyen, Chakra Budhathoki, Paul Stamper & colleague —Human Resources for Health

Integrating Mental Health into Maternal Health Care in Rural Mali: A Qualitative Study,” Nicole Warren & colleagues —Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health

Postpartum Care Content and Delivery Throughout the African Continent: An Integrative Review,” Ashley Gresh*, Nancy Glass & colleagues —Midwifery

Using a Retrospective Secondary Data Analysis to Identify Risk Factors for Pulmonary Complications in Trauma Patients in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,” Victoria Goode* & colleagues —Journal of Surgical Research


The Effects of MDR/RR-TB Treatment on HIV Disease: A Systematic Review of Literature,” Keri Geiger*, Paul Stamper, and Jason Farley —PLoS ONE

Behavioral Intentions to Use Patient Portals to Disclose HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Histories with Sexual Partners Among U.S. Sexual Minority Men,” Derek Dangerfield & colleagues —AIDS and Behavior

Community Engagement and Linkage to Care Efforts by Peer Community-Health Workers to Increase Prep Uptake among Sexual Minority Men,” Jason Farley*, Derek Dangerfield, Jessica LaRicci, Paul Sacamano, Omeid Heidari, Kelly Lowensen & colleagues —Public Health Nursing

HIV Prevention among Cisgender Men Who Have Sex with Transgender Women,” Derek Dangerfield & colleagues —AIDS and Behavior


Improving Emergency Cricothyroidotomies: Simulation-Based Training for Critical Care Providers,” Victoria Goode & colleagues —Critical Care Nursing Quarterly

Using Clinical Data to Improve the Quality of Health Care,” Victoria Goode* & colleagues —Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing

Cultivating Clinical/Academic Partnerships through a Virtual Nursing Grand Rounds Series,” Michal Goodwin*, Diana Baptiste, and Patricia Davidson —Journal of Clinical Nursing

Creating a Community of Researchers: Fostering Global Collaboration for Doctoral Prepared Nurses and Nursing Students,” Manka Nkimbeng*, Jocelyn Cudjoe, Hae-Ra Han, and Tamar Rodney —Journal of Professional Nursing

Patient Feedback on Research Studies: How to Interpret Feedback from the “Aware” Patient?” Kelly Gleason* and Hae-Ra Han —Patient

Promoting Book-Smart and Street-Smart Nurses in Practice,” Michal Goodwin* & colleague —Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services

Using Critical Service-Learning Pedagogy to Prepare Graduate Nurses to Promote Health Equity,” Kelly Bower*, Kamila Alexander, Kelly Bower, Joan Kub & colleagues —Journal of Nursing Education

The Critical Need for Nursing Education to Address the Diagnostic Process,” Kelly Gleason* & colleagues —Nursing Outlook

LGBTQ+ Health Education for Nurses: An Innovative Approach to Improving Nursing Curricula,” Kelly Bower & colleagues —Nurse Education Today

Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice to Facilitate ‘Nano’ In Situ Simulation: An Interprofessional Approach to Just-in-Time Training,” Kristen Brown*, Shawna Mudd & colleagues —Critical Care Nurse

Transgender and Gender Diverse Health Education for Future Nurses: Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes,” Kelly Bower & colleagues —Nurse Education Today

AneSBAR Handoff Rubric for Nurse Anesthesia Students,” Chakra Budhathoki & colleagues —Clinical Simulation in Nursing

Development of an Innovative Curriculum-to-Career Transition Program for Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care,” Michal Goodwin*, Marianne Fingerhood, Eric Slade, and Patricia Davidson —Nursing Outlook


The Active Workplace Study: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial with Sedentary Workers,” Ginger Hanson & colleagues —Contemporary Clinical Trials

Sedentary Work and Physiological Markers of Health,” Ginger Hanson & colleagues —International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

A Comparison of Safety, Health, and Well-Being Risk Factors Across Five Occupational Samples,” Ginger Hanson*, Nancy Perrin & colleagues —Frontiers in Public Health


Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Among Somali Women in the U.S. State of Arizona: Evidence of Treatment Access, Health Service Use and Care Experiences,” Nicole Warren & colleagues —International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

The Role of Oxytocin in Primary Cesarean Birth among Low-Risk Women,” Nicole Warren, Phyllis Sharps, Nancy Perrin & colleagues —Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health

Exposure to Baby-Friendly Hospital Practices and Breastfeeding Outcomes of WIC Participants in Maryland,” JoAnne Silbert-Flagg & colleagues —Journal of Human Lactation


Hidden Figures of Nursing: The Historical Contributions of Black Nurses and a Narrative for Those Who Are Unnamed, Undocumented and Underrepresented,” Diana Baptiste*, Nia Josiah, Joyell Arscott, Carmen Alvarez, Ruth Alma Turkson-Ocran, Tamar Rodney, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Lucine Francis, Patty Wilson, Kamila Alexander, Janiece Taylor, Olubunmi Ogungbe, Samuel Byiringiro, Marlena C. Fisher, Sherma Charlemagne-Badal, Beatrice Marseille, Sabianca Delva, Janelle Akomah, Emerald Jenkins, Derek Dangerfield, Gloria Ramsey, Phyllis Sharps & colleagues —Journal of Advanced Nursing

Discrimination and Latino Health: A Systematic Review of Risk and Resilience,” Nadia Andrade*, Athena Ford, and Carmen Alvarez —Hispanic Health Care International

Conducting Virtual, Synchronous Focus Groups Among Black Sexual Minority Men: Qualitative Study,” Derek Dangerfield* & colleagues —JMIR Public Health and Surveillance

Social Determinants of Hypertension and Diabetes Among African Immigrants: The African Immigrants Health Study,” Oluwabunmi Ogungbe*, Ruth Alma Turkson-Ocran, Manka Nkimbeng, Joycelyn Cudjoe, Hailey Miller, Diana Baptiste, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, Patricia Davidson, Lisa Cooper, and Yvonne Commodore-Mensah —Ethnicity and Health

Sociodemographic Disparities in Access to Hospice and Palliative Care: An Integrative Review,” Katie Nelson*, Rebecca Wright, Anna Peeler, Teresa Brockie, and Patricia Davidson —American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

Maternal Mortality Among American Indian/Alaska Native Women: A Scoping Review,” Jacquelyn Campbell & colleagues —Journal of Women’s Health

The Development and Testing of a Multi-Level, Multi-Component Pilot Intervention to Reduce Sexual and Reproductive Health Disparities in a Tribal Community,” Adriann Ricker & colleagues —Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work

‘All I Know Is That There Is a Lot of Discrimination’: Older African Immigrants’ Experiences of Discrimination in the United States,” Manka Nkimbeng*, Janiece Taylor, Laken Roberts, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Hae-Ra Han, Sarah Szanton & colleagues —Geriatric Nursing

Dissecting the Racial/Ethnic Disparity in Frailty in a Nationally Representative Cohort Study with Respect to Health, Income, and Measurement,” Laura Samuel & colleagues —Journals of Gerontology-Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences