My name is Mary Treacy. I am a retired registered nurse living in California. I am writing to thank you for having such a wonderful school of nursing.
I became a CNA in Williamsburg, VA in the mid 1970s when I was in my twenties. One of the nurses I worked with, I believe her name was Barbara Rossiter, inspired me to become a nurse. That didn’t happen until I was 42 years old, when I graduated with an Associates degree.
Ever since meeting and working with Barbara, I wanted to go to Johns Hopkins School of Nursing to become a registered nurse. I didn’t make it there, but Barbara inspired me until I did it here. I’ve had a great career, retiring from the California Department of Public Health. Now I am 70, retired, and I won’t renew my license this year, but I want to thank you for giving Barbara the education and skills to mentor and inspire me.
Today I started reading The Great Influenza, which begins with the founding of your wonderful university, and I thought it was a perfect time for me to reach out and just say thank you.