AGINGAttention Control Group Activities and Perceived Benefit in a Trial of a Behavioral Intervention for Older Adults
Research in Nursing & Health
SARAH LAFAVE*, MARIANNE GRANBOM, SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESLiving in the Community With Dementia: Who Receives Paid Care?
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
SARAH SZANTON, BRUCE LEFF & COLLEAGUESCARDIOVASCULARHeart Analytics: Analytical Modeling of Cardiovascular Care
Naval Research Logistics
KELLY GLEASON, PATRICIA DAVIDSON & COLLEAGUESCHRONIC CAREHigh Coping Self-Efficacy Associated With Lower Sweat Inflammatory Cytokines in Adults: A Pilot Study
Biological Research for Nursing
MELISSA HLADEK*, SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESEDUCATIONMentoring in Research-Focused Doctoral Nursing Programs and Student Perceptions of Career Readiness in the United States
Journal of Professional Nursing
PAULA NERSESIAN*, SARAH SZANTON, MAAN ISABELLA CAJITA & COLLEAGUESIs It Time for the 4th P in Nurse Practitioner Education? Physical Assessment, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, and Procedures: A Systematic Review
Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
TIMIAN GODFREY, DARRYN DUNBAR, KRISTEN BROWN, RITA D’AOUST & COLLEAGUESGLOBALSocial Media and Drug Resistance in Nursing Training: Using a Twitterchat to Develop an International Community of Practice for Antimicrobial Resistance
Journal of Clinical Nursing
REBECCA WRIGHT*, PATRICIA DAVIDSON & COLLEAGUESINFECTIOUS DISEASEEvaluation of miLINC to Shorten Time to Treatment for Rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Clinical Advisor
JASON FARLEY*INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCEExperiences of Reproductive Coercion Among Latina Women and Strategies for Minimizing Harm: “The Path Makes Us Strong”
Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health
KAREN TRISTER GRACE*, KAMILA ALEXANDER, NOELENE JEFFERS, JACQUELYN CAMPBELL, NANCY GLASS & COLLEAGUESMENTAL HEALTHA 12-Week Evidence-Based Education Project to Reduce Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk in Adults With Serious Mental Illness in the Integrated Care Setting
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association
ASHLEY FENTON*, PHYLLIS SHARPS, KARAN KVERNO & COLLEAGUESPARENTINGEvaluating Implementation Fidelity of a School-Based Parenting Program for Low-Income Families
The Journal of School Nursing
AMIE BETTENCOURT*, DEBORAH GROSS & A COLLEAGUEPOPULATION HEALTHHealth-Related Quality of Life and Its Predictors in Korean Patients with Myocardial Infarction in the Acute Phase
Clinical Nursing Research
HAE-RA HAN & COLLEAGUESSOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTHReturning to Our Roots: The Use of Geospatial Data for Nurse-Led Community Research
Research in Nursing & Health
Cells to Society—February 2020