Accepted Students, *YOU* are the Johns Hopkins Difference

Sydnee Logan
By Sydnee Logan  | 
Accepted Students, *YOU* are the Johns Hopkins Difference

Today accepted students gathered at Johns Hopkins to take their next step along the nursing journey. All the way from Washington, DC to Minnesota, students in the fall 2020 cohort of the MSN (Entry Into Nursing) program are bold and courageous. They know that accepting the status quo won’t impact the challenges facing the world today.

From Dean Patricia Davidson:

Thank you for choosing nursing, a fabulous profession and wonderful career. Thank you for choosing Johns Hopkins, a truly special place.

From student speaker Kevin Valentine:

Nursing is a unique profession filled with moments of joy and purpose. And you are all the Johns Hopkins difference; it’s not about getting straight A’s, it’s the passion and life experience you bring to the practice.

See photos from today’s event

See photos from our Happy to Include You Hour

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Sydnee Logan is the Social Media and Digital Content Coordinator for Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. She shares what’s going on with the world.