A Grand Vision for Nursing

A Grand Vision for Nursing

Meet Ahrin Mishan, spring 2019 commencement speaker.

As executive director of the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation, he is seeking innovative ways and new places to stimulate growth and change.

Under his leadership, the Hillman Foundation has built a pipeline of support for bold, nursing-led models of care for vulnerable populations—even at their earliest stages of development and wherever they might be occurring.

At the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, for example, this has meant a nearly $3 million grant for CAPABLE, a nurse-driven, aging-in-place model developed by Professor Sarah Szanton that is now serving vulnerable elders across the country and, increasingly, across the globe. It was the Hillman Foundation’s largest-ever grant to a nursing-led innovation.

The Hillman Foundation has also focused much-needed attention on end-of-life care and the nurse’s role in it, building upon a philosophy of improving lives for patients, their families, and caregivers. And its commitment to nursing education means that many more breakthroughs in patient care are just beyond the horizon, at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and elsewhere.

Everything you need to know about spring 2019 commencement