An Evening with the Stars 2018

Spring 2019 As Seen in Our Spring 2019 Issue
An Evening with the Stars 2018

2018 Evening with the Stars Winners

Elsie Peyton Jarvis Star Nurse Award
(two winners)
Michael Arciaga, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Sondra Boatman, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital

Suzanne Concato Nurse Preceptor Award
Patty Mattox, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Cynthia and Peter Rosenwald

ICU Star Nurse Award
Diane Rusnak, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Rosenwald Nursing Innovator of the Year
Rona Corral, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

School of Nursing Diversity Award
PhD student Athena Ford

Alumni Association Heritage Award
Paula Kent, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award
(two winners)
Assistant Professor Krysia Hudson, JHSON
Assistant Professor Nicole Mollenkopf, JHSON

Eunice King Student Nurse Award
Meredith McFall Kerr

SON Staff Excellence Award
Florentina Costache

Visit the school’s Flickr account for more images.