VIOLENCELifetime Prevalence, Correlates and Health Consequences of Gender-Based Violence Victimisation and Perpetration Among Men and Women in Somalia
BMJ Global Health
NANCY PERRIN, ALI A ABDI, NANCY GLASS & COLLEAGUESUnderstanding How Solidarity Groups—A Community-Based Economic and Psychosocial Support Intervention—Can Affect Mental Health for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Violence Against Women
NANCY GLASS & COLLEAGUESGender-Based Violence and Trauma in Marginalized Populations of Women: Role of Biological Embedding and Toxic Stress
Health Care for Women International
BUSHRA SABRI* & COLLEAGUE Intimate Partner Homicides in the United States, 2003-2013: A Comparison of Immigrants and Nonimmigrant Victims
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
BUSHRA SABRI*, JACQUELYN CAMPBELL & COLLEAGUEMultilevel Risk and Protective Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Among African, Asian, and Latina Immigrant and Refugee Women: Perceptions of Effective Safety Planning Interventions
Race and Social Problems
BUSHRA SABRI*, CARMEN ALVAREZ, JACQUELYN CAMPBELL & COLLEAGUESLiving in Fear and Prioritizing Safety: Exploring Women’s Lives After Traumatic Brain Injury From Intimate Partner Violence
Qualitative Health Research
PHYLLIS SHARPS & COLLEAGUESLatina and Caribbean Immigrant Women’s Experiences With Intimate Partner Violence: A Story of Ambivalent Sexism
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
CARMEN ALVAREZ*, BUSHRA SABRI, JACQUELYN CAMPBELL & COLLEAGUESCARDIOVASCULARValidation of the Korean Version of the MacNew Heart Disease Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire
Journal of Nursing Research
HAE-RA HAN & COLLEAGUESResistant Hypertension: Detection, Evaluation, and Management: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
CHERYL DENNISON HIMMELFARB & COLLEAGUESCOMMUNITYThe Relationship Between Neighborhood Safety and Children’s Asthma: An Integrative Review
Journal of Pediatric Health Care
KELLI DEPRIEST*, ARLENE BUTZ & COLLEAGUEAGINGInfluence of Hope, Social Support, and Self-Esteem in Early Stage Dementia
VALERIE COTTER* & COLLEAGUESGLOBALInteracting With Providers: An Intersectional Exploration of the Experiences of Carers of Aboriginal Children With a Disability
Qualitative Health Research
PATRICIA DAVIDSON & COLLEAGUESADMINISTRATIONCompassion: A Critical Link in Extraordinary Care for Patients and Families
Journal of Nursing Administration
CYNTHIA SWEENEY*INFECTIOUS DISEASECare2Cure: A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol for Evaluating Nurse Case Management to Improve the Hepatitis C Care Continuum Within HIV Primary Care
Research in Nursing & Health
LAURA STARBIRD*, HAE-RA HAN, CHAKRA BUDHATHOKI, NANCY REYNOLDS & JASON FARLEYIntergenerational Interventions for People Living with HIV and Their Families: A Systematic Review
AIDS and Behavior
European Journal of Heart Failure
PATRICIA DAVIDSON & COLLEAGUESAn Interprofessional Education Simulation Workshop: Health Professions Learning Palliative Care Communication
Journal of Nursing Education
VALERIE COTTER & COLLEAGUESCAREGIVINGFamily Caregivers: Important but Often Poorly Understood
Journal of Clinical Nursing
PATRICIA DAVIDSON*, MARTHA ABSHIRE, SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESMILITARYParenting Needs Among Mothers of Young Children During Military Deployment
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
DEBORAH GROSS & COLLEAGUESWOMEN’S HEALTHExperiences of Racism and Preterm Birth: Findings From a Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2004 through 2012
Women’s Health Issues
KELLY BOWER*, NANCY PERRIN & COLLEAGUESEDUCATIONUnique Experiences of Direct Entry BSN/BS-PhD Nursing Students: A Delphi Study
Nurse Education Today
LUCINE FRANCIS & COLLEAGUESPOLICYFrom Practice to Policy: Making Impactful Change in Childhood Obesity Prevention
Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing
AUDRA RANKIN*INJURYPro- and Anti-Inflammatory Biomarkers and Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes: A Review
TAMAR RODNEY* & COLLEAGUESETHICSMoral Resilience: Transforming Moral Suffering in Health Care
Oxford University Press
CYNDA RUSHTON* MIDWIFERYEvaluation of a Web-Based Holistic Stress Reduction Pilot Program Among Nurse-Midwives
Journal of Holistic Nursing
Cells to Society—November 2018