News Roundup Fall 2018

Fall 2018 As Seen in Our Fall 2018 Issue
News Roundup Fall 2018

The Next Generation Arrives

MSN (Entry into Nursing) students begin the 2018 fall semester with an orientation session.

Rushton Joins National Committee on Burnout

Cynda Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, Anne and George L. Bunting Professor of Clinical Ethics, has been chosen to serve on a newly formed National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine committee to seek systemic solutions to clinician burnout. Rushton was one of only two nurses selected for the committee, named Systems Approaches to Improve Patient Care by Supporting Clinician Well-Being.

“Increased severity of illness, patient volumes, pressures to reduce costs, and moral distress are just a few of the factors putting additional stress on health care providers today,” says Rushton. “To turn the tide of burnout, we must commit to fundamental systemic changes in health care along with expanding tools to support the resilience and integrity of frontline clinicians.”

New Research Center

Managing multiple chronic conditions, studying social determinants of health, and providing community-driven care will be pillars of the new PROMOTE research center at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, funded through a National Institutes of Health P30 grant.

“With 2 out of 3 adults in the U.S. experiencing multiple chronic conditions, the need for relevant research and scalable programs is urgent,” says Sarah L. Szanton, PhD, ANP, FAAN, center director and JHSON endowed professor for health equity and social justice. “Our center takes a holistic view of the person, their environment, and their goals. [PROMOTE is shorthand for Promoting Resilience in Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions.] The center will prepare clinician-researchers to design solutions that are relevant to the family, social, and financial ecosystems that people live in. We want to change the question from ‘What is the matter?’ to ‘What matters most?’ to the patient.”

“We want to change the question from ‘What is the matter?’ to ‘What matters most?’ to the patient.”

Read more about Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Centers of Excellence.

Rushton Joins National Committee on Burnout

The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing has hired key leaders to identify and seize opportunities in education, practice, business, and collaboration:

Michal (Miki) Goodwin, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, associate dean of clinical practice (student clinical placements, faculty practice development).

Gloria Ramsey, JD, RN, FNAP, FAAN, associate dean for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Bruce Schoneboom, PhD, MHS, CRNA, FAAN, associate dean for practice, innovation, and leadership.

Deborah Baker, DNP, ACNP, NEA-BC, associate dean for health systems partnership and innovation.

Kenneth Dion, PhD, RN, MSN, MBA, assistant dean for business development and strategic relationship

Henrietta Lacks Memorial Award

The CHECC-uP Cervical Cancer in Minority Women with HIV Project has earned the 2018 award. Project leaders included faculty members Patty Wilson, Jason Farley, Hae-Ra Han, and Phyllis Sharps.