AGINGHome Is Where the Future Is: The BrightFocus Foundation Consensus Panel on Dementia Care
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
LAUTA GITLIN & COLLEAGUESReflections on a Professional Journey to Making Home Life Better for Older Adults and Families
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics
LAURA GITLIN*Relationship Between the Number of Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia and Caregiver Distress: What is the Tipping Point?
International Psychogeriatrics
LAURA GITLIN & COLLEAGUESCARDIOVASCULARCerebral Perfusion Monitoring in Adult Patients Following Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Study
Contemporary Nurse
TAMMY SLATER*, PATRICIA DAVIDSON & COLLEAGUECOMMUNITYIntegrative Review of the Intersection of Green Space and Neighborhood Violence
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
GIBRAN MANCUS* & JACQUELYN CAMPBELLPEDIATRICSReporting and Identifying Child Physical Abuse: How Well Are We Doing?
Research in Nursing & Health
AMIE BETTENCOURT, DEBORAH GROSS & COLLEAGUEPUBLIC HEALTHA Framework for an Asset-Informed Approach to Service Mapping
Nurse Researcher
PATRICIA DAVIDSON & COLLEAGUESQUALITY & SAFETYConducting Clinically Based Intimate Partner Violence Research: Safety Protocol Recommendations
Nursing Research
NANCY GLASS, JACQUELYN CAMPBELL & COLLEAGUEVIOLENCEValidation and Adaptation of the Danger Assessment-5: A Brief Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment
Journal of Advanced Nursing
JACQUELYN CAMPBELL & COLLEAGUESEfficacy of a Web-Based Safety Decision Aid for Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Medical Internet Research
NANCY GLASS & COLLEAGUESWOMEN’S HEALTHFemale Genital Mutilation or Cutting
American Family Physician
Cells to Society—January 2018