Alumni Update Spring 2017

Spring 2017 As Seen in Our Spring 2017 Issue
Alumni Update Spring 2017

Dear Alumni,

It was a busy start to the new year for both the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association board and the alumni office at the School of Nursing. Winter featured alumni visits by Erika Juengst, our director of constituent engagement, to Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, and West Palm Beach, FL. If you are interested in developing an affinity group in your area, let us know and we might be dropping in on you. Meanwhile, Board Secretary Jane Ball and I had the opportunity to meet with the JHSON’s studentleadership to discuss the Alumni Mentor Program and how to better engage our students as alumni. The board is also in the process of reviewing the bylaws to ensure compliance and any necessary updates.

We welcome new board members Bryan Hansen and Meghan Schultz. Bryan is a JHSON assistant professor with a psychiatric and gerontology health focus. Meghan, a 2014 MSN graduate, works as a research nurse.

Plans are under way for Alumni Weekend 2017. Save-the-dates have been mailed and we look forward to seeing everyone October 5–8.

To our most recent graduates, be sure to stay connected. The JHNAA was established to provide a means to network with graduates of the School of Nursing as well as other parts of Johns Hopkins University. If you would like to join the board or serve on a committee, we are happy to speak with you regarding options you might find most rewarding.

Finally, the generosity of alumni has an incredible impact on the next generation of nursing leaders each year. If you are interested in learning more about ways to support the SON, please contact Erika ([email protected]). Together, we can help sustain the legacy that is Hopkins Nursing!Get Our E-Newsletters
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