On The Pulse Ranked #7 in Top 60 Nursing Blogs

On The Pulse Ranked #7 in Top 60 Nursing Blogs

A blog about the blog!

Feedspot, an RSS reader that organizes blogs and web content into a single source, recently released a ranking of the Top 60 blogs about nursing. The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing blog On the Pulse, was ranked #7! Among the top-ranking blogs were Nurse.com, Scrubs, and Evidence-Based Nursing Blog. A big “thank you” goes to our contributors and editors for shedding light on the JHSON and the nursing profession through creative and informative pieces.

To see the see the full rankings, visit: http://blog.feedspot.com/nursing_blogs/

About the Author: CRAIG LEE

_jhu7659-1With the world becoming more connected through tweets, posts, shares, and pins, Craig keeps the School of Nursing in the mix with the ever growing, complex web of Social Media. Craig manages all of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing’s social media accounts including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and LinkedIn.