Cells to Society—October 2016

Cells to Society—October 2016

VIOLENCEInteractive Training Improves Workplace Climate, Knowledge, and Support Toward Domestic Violence
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
NANCY GLASS* & COLLEAGUESElements of Effective Interventions for Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Latina Women: A Systematic Review
Plos One 
CARMEN ALVAREZ*, PATRICIA DAVIDSON, CHRISTINA FLEMING & NANCY GLASSCumulative Violence Exposures: Black Women’s Responses and Sources of Strength
Social Work in Public Health 
BUSHRA SABRI*, CHARVONNE HOLLIDAY, KAMILA ALEXANDER, ANDREA CIMINO, JACQUELYN CAMPBELL & COLLEAGUESEffectiveness of Interventions, Programs and Strategies for Gender-based Violence Prevention in Refugee Populations: An Integrative Review
PLOS Currents Disasters 
NANCY GLASS & COLLEAGUESPotentially Traumatic Events, Coping Strategies and Associations with Mental Health and Well-being Measures Among Conflict-Affected Youth in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Global Health Research and Policy 
NANCY GLASS & COLLEAGUESAddressing Intimate Partner Violence With Latina Women: A Call for Research
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 
CARMEN ALVAREZ* & COLLEAGUECARDIOVASCULARReducing Disparities in Heart Disease Treatment and Outcomes Among Women: A Call to Action
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
CHERYL DENNISON HIMMELFARB* & COLLEAGUEInterventions that Improve Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Myocardial Infarction
Quality of Life Research 
HAE-RA HAN & COLLEAGUESHIV/AIDSThe Role of Sexual Health Professionals in Developing a Shared Concept of Risky Sexual Behavior as it Relates to HIV Transmission
Public Health Nursing
KAMILA ALEXANDER & COLLEAGUESPredictors of HIV-related Risk Perception and PrEP Acceptability Among Young Adult Female Family Planning Patients
AIDS Care 
KAMILA ALEXANDER & COLLEAGUESAGINGThe Baltimore Experience Corps Trial: Enhancing Generativity via Intergenerational Activity Engagement in Later Life
Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences
ELIZABETH TANNER & COLLEAGUESFactors Associated with Patient Activation in an Older Adult Population with Functional Difficulties
Patient Education and Counseling
KELLY GLEASON*, ELIZABETH TANNER, SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESRacial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities in Hearing Health Care Among Older Americans
Journal of Aging and Health
SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESImpact of Caregiver Readiness on Outcomes of a Nonpharmacological Intervention to Address Behavioral Symptoms in Persons with Dementia
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
LAURA GITLIN* & COLLEAGUEResidential Segregation and Hypertension Prevalence in Black and White Older Adults
Journal of Applied Gerontology
KELLY BOWER & COLLEAGUESUnderstanding Hearing Loss and Barriers to Hearing Health Care Among Korean American Older Adults: A Focus Group Study
Journal of Applied Gerontology
HAE-RA HAN & COLLEAGUESPUBLIC HEALTHAssuring a Strong Foundation for Our Nation’s Public Health Systems: A Commentary
Nursing Outlook
JOAN KUB & COLLEAGUESWhere Does the Neighborhood Go? Trust, Social Engagement, and Health Among Older Adults in Baltimore City
Health & Place
LAURA GITLIN, SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESCHRONIC CARERelationship Between Chronic Conditions and Disability in African American Men and Women
Journal of the National Medical Association
JANIECE WALKER, SARAH SZANTON & COLLEAGUESETHICSCreating a Culture of Ethical Practice in Health Care Delivery Systems
Nurses at the Table: Nursing, Ethics, and Health Policy
CYNDA RUSHTON*Just and Realistic Expectations for Persons with Disabilities Practicing Nursing
AMA Journal of Ethics
Nurse Educator