Preemies Need Breast Milk, Too

Preemies Need Breast Milk, Too

Business Insider released an article titled, “Good pumping routine key to giving preemies breast milk.” The focus of this article is around a study conducted in the U.K. regarding the importance of breastfeeding and how preemie babies do not have the strength to breastfeed, so their mothers must pump. Pumping can become a challenge if it’s not a routine. For example, what if the mother is transported to a different hospital after giving birth? A study conducted required 62 mothers (participants) to use various types of pumps and keep track of the amount they pumped as well as their pumping experience. breastfeeding

(Pictured above: New mother & newborn)

It found that “Women expressed more milk when they used what’s known as a double pump that extracts milk from both breasts at once, rather than a single pump that only attaches to one breast at a time.” JoAnne Flagg, an assistant professor in the Department of Acute and Chronic Care here at JHSON who specializes in lactation, newborns, and childcare, was quoted in the article. Flagg was not involved in the referenced study, however she did say that “No pump is as efficient as a baby.”


(Pictured above, JoAnne Flagg)



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