Alumni Update

Alumni Update

It has been a busy spring and summer for the Johns Hopkins Nurses Alumni Association, and we’re looking forward to what lies ahead this fall. I would like to share a few of our recent and upcoming activities through which the alumni board seeks to foster a lifelong connection with the University. We are committed to offering professional and social contacts among alumni and students and supporting the activities of the school. Many thanks to members of our board for all of their volunteer hours and talent. We cannot, however, do it alone, so please be in touch with your ideas!In May, Jay Lenrow, president of the Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association, came to our board meeting and shared with us his mission to build a more unified Johns Hopkins alumni community. Jay has enhanced communication on social media platforms and through one-on-one meetings with student and alumni boards in all divisions. Be on the lookout for more collaborative events in the coming year as we work with Jay and other divisions within the University.

During National Nurses Week, the JHNAA was proud to celebrate with our students and Johns Hopkins Hospital nurses to honor their hard work and dedication. The week’s festivities provided by JHNAA included a Quick Connect Alumni Panel Event, a campus-wide cupcake social, and an event for all nurses at the hospital. The events were well attended and much appreciated.

The JHNAA was pleased to donate $250 toward supplies for the nursing students traveling to Haiti last month. Cecile Carson, one of our student representatives on the board, participated in this exciting project that provided public health services to local communities surrounding the city of Jeremie.

Coming up soon, we have Homecoming 2015: September 24–26. Weekend highlights include the Bond Street Social Happy Hour; Hospital, Archives, and School of Nursing tours; a Faculty Lecture eligible for continuing education credits; class dinners, and more. Come visit your alma mater and catch up with your classmates.

Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your alumni association president. Please do not hesitate share your updates, achievements, thoughts or suggestions. I truly enjoy the opportunity to hear from everyone and am excited to continue to strengthen and grow our association.