Progress for PhD Program

Winter 2014 As Seen in Our Winter 2014 Issue
Progress for PhD Program

An expanded class of PhD candidates enrolled at the Hopkins School of Nursing (JHSON) this fall brings diverse perspectives from the United States and five other nations, and broad interests as well.

The 15-member class that welcomes Sarah L. Szanton, PhD, ANP, as program director features stated interests ranging from cardiovascular, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and diabetes care to intimate partner violence, pain and palliative care, the effects of stress, and ergonomics and engineering in patient safety and mobile technology. The number of candidates more than doubles that of the previous class (seven), continuing a surge by the PhD program at JHSON.OnThePulse_PhDProgram_01Assistant Professor Jennifer Wenzel welcomes Rachel Klimmek, PhD ’13. Szanton, herself a 2007 product of the PhD Program, is the driving force behind the CAPABLE Project, which inexpensively helps elderly residents remain safely in their own homes longer. Szanton says she’s excited about the PhD program’s direction, makeup, and focus.

Non-U.S. PhD candidates hail from Cameroon, China, England, South Korea, and Thailand.