Grads Getting Jobs

Winter 2014 As Seen in Our Winter 2014 Issue
Grads Getting Jobs

Group builds community a step at a time.

Most students completing a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree in 2013 at Hopkins report they quickly found the jobs they wanted, where they wanted them—and with little difficulty.

Seventy-eight percent of respondents to the annual survey conducted by the School of Nursing reported they had received and accepted an offer of nursing employment within three months of starting their job searches (most indicating that they had a job in hand at graduation). At four months and beyond, the Johns Hopkins employment rate grew to 84 percent.

The nationwide employment rate for 2013 BSN graduates, determined through an American Academy of Colleges of Nursing survey of all nursing schools, was 59 percent at graduation—compared to a 29.3 percent national average for all professions.A majority of the Johns Hopkins nursing job seekers found employment in their first choice of position (71 percent) and 77 percent reported that position was in their preferred geographic location. Nearly one-third (32 percent) received two or more job offers—with 3 percent receiving four or more offers. Forty-five percent reported very little or no difficulty in finding a job, while 25 percent encountered only moderate difficulty.SON May Graduation Ceremony. Diploma Ceremony 2014.Dean Patricia Davidson, PhD, MEd, RN, noted, “These results are positive and reassuring, but not surprising. These new nurses are exemplary products of their education and carry the unique Hopkins ‘brand’ wherever they go.”