Chinese Documentary Celebrates Ties

Winter 2014 As Seen in Our Winter 2014 Issue
Chinese Documentary Celebrates Ties

Film studies cooperation between JHSON, Peking School

Hopkins Nursing has long historical ties to China, in large part due to Anna D. Wolf, who left Hopkins in 1919 to organize the school of nursing at Peking Union Medical Center (PUMC). And in 2008, five nurses graduated from the first full-time doctoral program for Chinese nurses at PUMC, part of a partnership with the Hopkins School of Nursing.

The relationship is celebrated in the Chinese documentary The Other Shore: A Century of Better Health in China and American Philanthropic Medical Capacity Building, parts of which were filmed at the Hopkins schools of Nursing, Medicine, and Public Health in East Baltimore earlier this year.

Marie Nolan, PhD, MPH, RN, associate dean for academic affairs, was interviewed for the documentary, which aired this fall in America on the Phoenix Chinese Channel. In the film (in Chinese with English voices interspersed), Nolan discusses nursing and the role of women in the 1920s. The episode also discusses the rise of the Communists and the impact of nationalization on PUMC.

The episode that features Nolan can be viewed here (she appears just after the 12:30 mark).