Alumni Update

Winter 2014 As Seen in Our Winter 2014 Issue
Alumni Update

This is my first letter as president of the JHNAA. I am thrilled about this honor, and looking forward to continuing many of the projects and programs I have been working on over the past two years as vice president of the Board. I have big shoes to fill, since Paula Kent did such a terrific job leading the JHNAA over the past two years. We are very grateful for her leadership! In the coming months, the Board plans to focus on student engagement and think about creative ways to support our students. We also want to look at the ways we can bridge the gap between our long-standing and newer alumni. I hope to meet as many alums as possible in this new role, and want to hear your questions, concerns, and ideas.

Alumni Weekend 2014 was a terrific success. We had many of the same events that were so popular in the past, including the Bond Street Social cocktail party, hospital tours, and Saturday’s lunch; and new ones such as poster presentations and cocktails with alumni, Johns Hopkins Hospital staff, and students. In the Class Notes section, you will be able to read firsthand accounts of the Weekend from our class ambassadors. I hope you will join us for next year’s Alumni Weekend, which will take place September 24-26.

At the business meeting during Alumni Weekend, we discussed the JHNAA Task Force’s recommendation to dissolve the 501(c)(3) status of the JHNAA while retaining its incorporated status. In September, the JHNAA Board voted to accept these changes. The JHNAA’s funds will now live in a protected endowed fund, and the interest will be used for the JHNAA’s operating expenses. As a result of these changes, the Bylaws Committee made a series of recommendations. These were distributed to alumni in October, and a special meeting was held on November 3 to vote on the changes. If anyone has questions about changes to the JHNAA, please let me know. I think it was a smart move and will ensure our growth moving forward.

Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends!