I hope you are all enjoying the summer! Some exciting changes have been happening with the School of Nursing and the JHNAA. We have been collaborating a great deal with Dean Patricia Davidson, and she has some really wonderful ideas about engaging with our alumni. (By the way, if you’re on Twitter, follow her: @nursingdean.) I know you’ll enjoy getting to know her better at Alumni Weekend (September 25-27).
I hope you’re planning to attend Alumni Weekend 2014, which will include great events such as the cocktail party at Bond Street Social, the celebratory lunch on Saturday, and An Evening with the Stars on Saturday night. In addition to these fantastic annual events, we’ll also be discussing some important issues and changes to the School and the Alumni Association at the annual meeting on Saturday morning, September 27. Dean Davidson will be there to answer all your questions about recent curriculum changes involving the Master’s Entry into Nursing program, and we will also discuss future changes to the structure of the JHNAA. It should be an informative, fun, and exciting weekend.
This will be my final letter to you as president of the JHNAA. It has been such a pleasure to lead this incredible alumni association over the past two years. I know you will be in great hands with Susan Kulik, current JHNAA vice president and incoming president. I am still on campus, so I hope to see many of you at future Hopkins Nursing events!