S.U.P.E.R. Redefined

S.U.P.E.R. Redefined

mom incredible

This post was first shared in celebration of Mother’s Day 2014. However, today, I had the privileged of sharing the same concepts with the Summer 2015 entering class including Student Parents and others who have dependent loved ones.

Although moms often fit the gamete, I’m sure we can all relate as people with little time and loads of responsibility!

 You too can be S.U.P.E.R!

S is for Supported.

Allow yourself to be supported. Don’t try to do everything by yourself; don’t go at this alone…

Here’s a Plug for students who are also parents:

Join the Association of Student Parents


“The Family People”

A Support Network for New and Old Student Parents!

U is for Unique.

Don’t compare yourself to others, especially others who are not in your shoes! Your story is yours and it is powerful!

You might have to walk the road less traveled…


P is for Present. and

E is for Engaged.

These go together. Be Present to experience life and to be available for those you love.

Be Engaged in your life Spirit, Mind, Body, Soul and Emotions.

These should go without thinking, but with our preoccupation with technology, it really does  go a tremendously long way!

One hour of Quality P&E is so much more valuable than a full school week of empty quantity time!

R is Rested.

You might have Super Powers but getting your rest allows for you to be your best you!

Everything on this list is in your power.

Only you can make it happen.

So make it happen.

Be S.U.P.E.R!

the incredibles

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