With 1 in 3 women expected to experience gender-based violence in her lifetime, there’s never been a more important time to look for heroes. Safe magazine went looking for 50 to launch its premiere issue and not surprisingly found two at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing: Nancy Glass, PhD, MPH, RN, and Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN.
Singling out her Pigs for Peace program, which helps survivors of gender violence in Africa gain economic independence, Safe called Glass “a champion of trying to empower and protect women in the Democratic Republic of Congo—an area of the world known for its astounding rates of brutal rape and violence against women and girls.”
Safe also celebrated the One Love DA phone app based on Campbell’s work with the Danger Assessment Tool and used to warn women of danger signs in relationships and guide them toward help.

“These heroes are the light bringers,” the editors write in introducing their list of 50. “They are the whistle-blowers, risk takers and the lawmakers. They question social norms, provoke conversations and tell it like it is. They are watchdogs, media hounds and meticulous researchers, hot on the scent of fresh data. They are, alternately, diplomats or disturbers of the status quo.”