Haitian Sky to Baltimore City Lights

Haitian Sky to Baltimore City Lights

After a long day of traveling (including 3 flights and lots of waiting) we arrived  safely back in Baltimore on Sunday. Lying in bed on Saturday night I thought;

“Last night I fell slept under the Haitian stars, and woke up this morning to the sound of waves crashing.  Now here I am falling asleep under the Baltimore city lights.  It’s been a wild ride!  One I will never forget.”

Arriving back to the school on Monday was like a homecoming. We were greeted by friends, faculty and staff with bright smiles and lots of questions! It was great passing along the stories we had experienced during our trip.

An added bonus to the day – we were awarded a Johns Hopkins Alumni Association (alumni.jhu.edu) grant! We applied for the grant before we left to help with funding for medical and teaching supplies. It was a wonderful surprise and an exciting way to cap off the last few weeks of class. We will ultimately be using the grant to help fund a portable EKG machine and baby scale that the Clinic de Gatineau will be able to use through an iPhone. What amazing technology!? We hope that this will be able to expand Dr. Wolf’s services at her clinic.

Thank you all to those who have helped in our journey – from planning, donating and supporting us – you have been invaluable!

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