One Year Later

One Year Later


I have now been a Baltimore resident for over a year now! Everyone always asks me how I like living in Baltimore which is always a difficult question to answer. By now I basically have the script memorized: For the reasons I am here, I love Baltimore. Every part of the city that I utilize regularly expertly fulfills its purpose. Firstly, I adore the School of Nursing. This past year has been the most educational, interesting, challenging and gratifying portion of my schooling thus far. I am learning material that I am extremely interested in, and that I know I will incorporate in my future career. Secondly, I love the friends I have made in my cohort. Never before have I been around such intelligent, friendly, charming ladies with whom I share so many interests. Here we are at Ryleigh’s in Federal Hill celebrating Sophie’s belated birthday and also the Ravens first game against the Denver Broncos.

ryleighs for ravens game

I enjoy living in my apartment, (minus the sirens) although it is not the most conveniently located, it is big and beautiful and perfect for my lovely roommate and I. I cherish the time I spend running down along the water and the work-out classes at the Cooley Center are enjoyable while at the same time, push me to the limit physically. Lastly, I would have to argue that Baltimore offers one of the best going out scenes tailored to my interests. Canton, Fells and especially Fed Hill are currently my favorite places to go out. Fed is a $6 cab ride from my apartment and offers a plethora of cheap, fun bars within walking distance from one another. At least for now, Fed Hill is my personal playground. In summary, although I don’t see myself living in Baltimore forever (I am partial to fresh air), it has served me well for the past year and I have no qualms about living here for the next two years as I complete the FNP program.

sailing lesson
Getting a sailing lesson from the best of the best

We started our summer vacation this year during the second week of August. After the grueling, jam packed summer semester that we had, I was more than ready to escape to New Hampshire and spend a week on  serene Squam Lake with my boyfriend and family. I spent one week at home in Needham before I journeyed down to Connecticut to help my sisters move into college and visit some more family. At the end of the three week break we had in August, myself and four fellow Fall ’13 cohort members took a second trip down to the infamous Ocean City to end the summer with a bang. I had never heard of Ocean City before living in Maryland but I must admit that it rivals the Hard Rock in Punta Cana for the most fun I’ve ever had on vacation. Seacrets, the biggest bar on the East Coast, is a must visit destination for anyone who likes dancing, tropical vacations and ridiculous unstoppable fun. It’s like Disneyland for people over 21.

from fagers with love
Fager’s Island

Although school being back in session means more work and less play, I must admit that this semester is gearing up to be my favorite yet. As a future primary care Family Nurse Practitioner candidate, public health is one of my areas of particular interest. My clinical placement is at the Julie Community Center and we are working closely with the Esperanza Center to see mainly Latino patients without formal health insurance. These patients who have graciously welcomed us into their homes offer both a variety of medical conditions and an opportunity to practicar Espanol!! After completing an entire home visit in Spanish my confidence in my ability to treat strictly Spanish speakers has skyrocketed.

esperanza center

Although I am currently planning on starting the FNP program full time in January, the pressure to find a job this fall is definitely present in the air. All of my friends are applying for jobs, updating their resumes and researching hospitals around the country. I have attended many seminars and “lunch-and-learns” on the topic and besides Public Health, our only other class is centered around our “transition” into the workplace. My current plan is to try to get a job at a hospital here in Baltimore and work while continuing on with the masters.  I am less stressed than my colleagues however,  because if all else fails, I can start full-time in the FNP program(a glorious option as well).  As happy as many of my peers are *cough cough another blogger cough cough* to finish school and leave Baltimore, this fall semester is definitely accompanied by more than a tinge of sadness on my part. I have made life long friendships over the past year and Baltimore will definitely be less cheery without all of the smiling faces of the cohort of Fall ’13.






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