Next Stop…RN

Next Stop…RN

The break we got in August came at the perfect time. After a very tough summer of hours and hours in the hospital, it was great to go home to Texas and soak up some sun. I spent every day riding my horses and grilling with friends by the pool. Also got to bust out some crazy beach volleyball skills and float the river. Exactly the medicine I needed to finish up the year strong! The highlight of my trip home, however, was definitely going country dancing with my friends in San Marcos. Made my whole year! 🙂

Our house overlooking the river in Wimberley, Texas
Rope swing at Blue Hole in Wimberley, Texas
Ready to go out dancing. BOOTS :)
Ready to go out dancing. BOOTS

Unfortunately I was only able to spend about 10 days home in Texas because I was scheduled to work a few shifts on my unit at the University of Maryland. But, since I was back here on labor day weekend I attempted to make the most of it and spent some time down on Gibson Island with a friend and going to the Maryland State Fair…I also was able to get my horse from Texas shipped up to the Baltimore area, so my free time is now spent at the barn with my boy 🙂

Planters Punch. Signature drink of the island
Planters Punch. Signature drink of the island
Stella loving her day at the beach! :)
Stella loving her day at the beach! 🙂
A little ride around the property with Jessie
A little ride around the property with Jessie
Maryland State Fair!
Maryland State Fair!

Last night was also the kickoff of the NFL season for the Baltimore Ravens. Although the result of the game was not in our favor, the pre-kickoff party that was held in the inner harbor with Keith Urban was AMAZING!

Keith Urban concert in the Inner Harbor
Waiting for Keith to play
Waiting for Keith to play

I can remember moving to Baltimore this time last year and thinking that graduation, the NCLEX, and becoming a full fledged nurse was SO far away. Now, a year later, we are in our public health rotations, filling out applications for transitions placements, and beginning to apply to jobs. Although my interests are not very public health centered, I am very excited about my current placement. We will be working with Latino families throughout Baltimore and assisting them with attaining health care. Becoming fluent has always been a goal of mine, and I am hoping to become a competent Spanish speaking nurse by the end of this rotation! I am also very excited about upcoming transitions placements and entering the workforce. Many of my job applications have started opening and I am thrilled to see the many opportunities available to us! Fingers crossed for an ICU job in Texas 🙂


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