

This is the first summer that I have not spent working at an easy, primarily outdoor summer job. It’s been quite an adjustment! After only a short break over memorial day weekend we jumped right back into school, now with clinical three times a week. I have definitely come to learn that I enjoy my days spent in the hospital more than those in the classroom. Running around a hospital unit all day makes the hours fly by, one thing I can say about nursing, it is rarely boring! Now that we almost have a full year of nursing under our belts I can definitely notice a difference in clinical. We are given more independence and are actually getting to practice the skills we worked so hard to learn in lab. Especially in my Adult Health II clinical, I almost feel like a fully capable nurse.

OB was definitely another side to nursing. The patients were actually excited to be in the hospital and being a part of the miracle of life was definitely worth studying all the unique healthcare issues that only occur in pregnancy.


Although a lot of my weekends involve studying now that we have a test almost every week, I have been able to take advantage of the outdoor pool associated with the Cooley Center. Tanning and studying is a great way to multi-task and trick myself into feeling like I’m really on summer vacation.


Halfway through the semester we got a small break over the fourth of July. I took full advantage of the days off and got as much time in the sun as possible. Spending the day tubing and paddle boarding along the Magathy River and then watching the Inner Harbor’s fireworks display from a friends rooftop deck was the perfect way to recharge and get ready for the second half of the semester. We have our first peds clinical this week and I am so excited to work with some cute patients!

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