So close you can almost taste it

So close you can almost taste it

Almost ThereWith a summer schedule like we have right now, it’s easy to forget that there is a light at the end of the tunnel….graduation in December! I honestly never thought I would be this exhausted and ready to be done with school! When they warn you about the accelerated program, they aren’t kidding.

BUTTTT we all seem to make it work, and to be honest I actually loved OB (something I never thought I’d say).

Anyways, we only have about 4 weeks left in the busiest summer semester imaginable. I am almost looking forward to those finals in August. It’s been a whirlwind and it’s crazy how much we have learned in such a short amount of time. We have so much independence in our clinicals now compared to last fall! Actually feeling like a nurse 🙂 imagine that! I had a new roommate move in recently that started the program in May, and it’s awesome to see the difference between where I was a year ago, to now…answering questions and sounding like I know what I’m talking about!

Although I am so excited about nearing the end, it also brings up the job search and where to go after graduation. What happened to “I have plenty of time to worry about that later?” Definitely the first thing on my mind for the past few weeks and I imagine it will be until I get an offer letter. So the real questions is Back to the great state of TEXAS? Or stay in Baltimore??…..hmmmmmm