Student Activities Day

Student Activities Day

Men in NursingWhat better way to learn about student clubs and organizations than to gather many of them into one room for a couple of hours and start chatting away. That in essence was Student Activities Day on June 5th. Seventeen SON and Tri-School organizations were on hand to talk about their groups and advertise for prospective membership for new and returning SON students.

Student clubs and organizations allow SON students to gather together with their peers who share similar interested to participate in academic and social programs. Whether those interests involve student government, community development, service learning, health interests (e.g. pediatric, reproductive, geriatric, integrative, etc), or physical fitness; there is a student group at JHUSON that fits your mold.

Please visit our website to find out more about Student Groups and Organizations. If you would like to find out more about SON groups, tri-school organizations, university-wide student programming, or how to start  a new student group; stop by the Student House!


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