The NSNA Annual Convention was held in Charlotte, NC between April 3rd and 6th this year, and JHUSON had five students who had the opportunity to attend. This year’s conference theme was “the HEALTHY campaign” which sought to spread awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as future nurses and nursing leaders.

The Annual Convention allows nursing student leaders from across to get together and connect on key issues in nursing education, nursing leadership, and career networking. Students had the opportunity to attend NCLEX-RN mini reviews, focus sessions on student health and wellness, leadership lectures, and some even completed the American Red Cross Disaster certification course.
The other major event that takes place includes the House of Delegates, where different schools propose resolutions which can impact student education. This year, the JHUSON delegates along with their counterparts from other Maryland schools of nursing put forth a joint resolution that seeks to support further awareness and education regarding the FDA’s MSM blood donor policy, in an effort to have the FDA revise the policy. This resolution was passed by the NSNA House of Delegates.
The next big event for the JHU chapter of NSNA will be the MidYear Conference in November which focuses on career planning and development, and student leadership development. It will be held in Louisville, KY.