WE DID IT! Made it through the first semester of nursing school! Managed to be on time to clinicals every week! And made some awesome friends along the way. It’s been a long semester, and the amount of information we have received in the past 4 months is incredible! Just think, in August we could barely take a blood pressure….now we can hang IVs, administer meds, and do complete bed side assessments (including that neuro one we all were dreading for sign offs.) We are now officially 1/4th of the way to being nurses!!!!! But, we still have a long way to go. The semesters ahead are filled with some difficult classes, increased clinical hours, and possible tech and student nurse jobs for some of us. Just think though, in exactly one year the accelerated class of 2013 will be receiving our degrees, continuing on to PASS the NCLEX, and branching out into the real world of nursing!!!!
In the more immediate future, however, I have quite the trip home this weekend. I agreed to drive home to Texas with a friend. Yes, I said drive. According to google maps it should take about 22 hours to get to his house in Dallas, and then mine is about another 3. Sounds crazy, I know, but what’s crazier is we both have done waaaayyyyy too many of these epic road trips traveling around the country to horse shows. Needless to say, I have a playlist on my iPod titled “horse show road trips.” I also have planned a trip to Safeway tonight to stock up on 5 hour energy and sunflower seeds to survive the 3-5am shift. Should be exciting. So some interesting facts about my impending road trip…
Miles: ~1380
Travel Time: 22 hrs and 6 mins (not including all the bathroom breaks I’ll need from the red bull)
# of states crossed: 7 (Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, tiny piece of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, TEXAS)
play time of my playlist: 24 hrs and 16 mins….lets hope we don’t stop too many times
other entertainment while driving: reading the book assignment for Psych nursing in the spring
first thing I will eat when back home: pizza from the place in town that is making it look like the Heisman trophy…because TEXAS A&M’S QB JOHNNY MANZIEL WON THE HEISMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Safe travels to everyone going home over the break. Have a happy holiday and wish me luck! Gig em Aggies and yeeeaaaaaa for 1st semester of nursing school DONE! š