The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives Annual Report

The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives Annual Report

by Phoebe Evans Letocha
September 29, 2012 

The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives Annual Report Phoebe Evans Letocha September 29, 2012 New material has been added to the Johns Hopkins and Church Home nursing collections at the Archives this year from a variety of sources, including institutional records from Martha Hill and the Dean’s Office, as well as individual items from Johns Hopkins Nursing and Church Home alumni.

Betty B. Scher, class of 1950, continued volunteering at the Archives this year on an index to the Johns Hopkins Nurses Alumnae Magazine. Betty has completed the index of all the articles and alumni news notes from 1901 to 2003 which are now searchable in the online catalog by title, author, subject names, and keyword.

The Medical Archives has continued to add new nursing content to its website. The site includes pages dedicated to the Church Home and Johns Hopkins Nursing Collections with descriptions of institutional records and personal paper collections.

The flipbooks with the class photos of Johns Hopkins nursing graduates are going digital. The Medical Archives is adding the Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing class photos to the Archives’ online catalog and our Flickr site.

Outreach activities this year included a presentation at the Third Annual Johns Hopkins and Church Home Alumni Spring Tea in May. Nursing artifacts, such as dolls and uniforms, are also included in the exhibit in the new Brody Learning Commons and the Sheridan Libraries on the Homewood campus.

In closing, let us thank all of the other members of the Alumni Association Archives Advisory Committee for their work this year: Lindsay Dorrance, Sue Culp, Lois Hoffer, Betty Scher, Phyllis Naumann, Deb Kennedy, and archivists Nancy McCall, Marjorie Kehoe, and Tim Wisniewski.