Nursing Assessment

Nursing Assessment

Letters to the Editor

I enjoyed reading your most recent issue of your Magazine focused on IOM. You really do lead on the cutting edge. I scan every one of your magazines and learn a lot from reading about your work at Johns Hopkins!
Nancy F. Langston, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dean and Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing


The enclosed donation to Johns Hopkins is a “Thank You” for all the information received from your wonderful magazines. Both are read from cover to cover, and the advertisements about Baltimore are of particular interest. I have lived in Ontario, Canada for the past 62 years, and benefited from the universal health care plan that we have, so it is with great interest that I am following the big health care debate in the United States. I hope more information from Hopkins will be coming soon. The three years of Nurses Training have been a major blessing in my life and the memories of Church Home and Hospital and Johns Hopkins are invaluable. Many thanks. I am so proud to say I am a Johns Hopkins Alumna.
Agnes T. Roden, CHH ’49, RN


My wife receives the Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine, having been on the JHH Women’s board for years. I am a graduate of the School of Medicine (Class of 1949) and was a Halsted resident from 1950-1958. I am writing because I believe the unidentified resident physician is Dr. Charles Carpenter who was on the Osler house staff at that time. I thought this might be of interest to your staff.
William F. Rienhoff III


I received my Spring 2012 issue of the Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine today. I have only had time to flip through it, but it looks like another outstanding issue. I loved the picture on the inside of the back cover. I am happy to supply you with the name of the unidentified student, third from the left in the picture.  She is Mary Ann Mentzer Larson, Class of 1959. She was a lovely girl, tall, very pretty, very witty, energetic and a very good nurse. She is one of the girls from our class who got married somewhere along the way in nursing school.
Mary Susan (Clark) Spahr ’59


Editor’s Note: The photo referenced by both Dr. Rienhoff and Ms. Spahr appeared in “Defining Moments” on the inside back cover of the Spring 2012 issue. Previously, we were only able to identify three of the five people pictured, but with the help of Dr. Rienhoff and Ms. Spahr, we now know all five! We forwarded the info to the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives Visual Materials Archivist Timothy Wisniewski, MLIS. He reports that, “I can confirm that the doctor in the photo is definitely Dr. Charles C. J. Carpenter, Jr., who in addition to being on the house staff at the time was also a graduate of the School of Medicine class of 1956.” Thank you, Dr. Rienhoff and Ms. Spahr for your keen eyes and great memories!