And one year wiser. I’m pretty sure the Accel 2012 class orientation started on May 23rd, 2011. So now, on my birthday, May 25th, I’m reminiscing. In one year I’ve learned (at least the first 10 things that come to mind):
- How to do a manual BP
- How to put in a catheter in a man and woman
- How to place a SC/IM/and intradermal injection
- How to reconstitute meds and run an IV in at least 3 different machines
- How to recognize unusual lung and heart sounds
- That having manners, i.e. saying “please” and “thank you”, will get you further in your patient-nurse and teacher-student relationships than without them
- How to have a “New York” face in Baltimore to not appease the high school kids in Inner Harbor trying to startle you
- That the weather dictates how much I exercise, rain… no, cold… no, snow… HAHAHA.
- How to balance pride in being at Hopkins with humility in being a new nurse
- How to take notes, check my email, look up the drugs discussed in class on Micromedex, and skim through my Google Reader simultaneously
In one year, I’ve learned a lot. My new roomie is a new Accel, her orientation was last week. And she sounds exactly like me one year ago. So many questions, lots of excitement, garnished with a bit of nervousness. I really enjoy answering her endless questions about the program.
Now everyone has received their Transitions placements for the Summer term. I’m very excited to share that I’ll be in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) in All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. It’s very exciting and I know I’ll learn a lot, but I can’t help but be a little (or very) nervous. I can tell me and the other students who are leaving the city at the end of this month are all trying to pack all that is Baltimore into our last days here. The recap:

And next up is Woodberry Kitchen! I hear that some people who are staying local during Memorial Day Weekend are renting out a beach house. Can’t you see we’re all trying to squeeze it all in last minute? Hopefully we all get to experience our Baltimore Bucket List before we have to leave!
And just to show… my twin cousins looks oh so proud to wear my gear: