Bravo! Bravo!

Bravo!  Bravo!

Last week was great.

Monday was kind of slow but Tuesday started off with a bang.  Bright and early the future nurses poured through the sim lab doors.  You were all dressed so nicely and smelled pretty good too.  There were three patients that need your help and you diagnosis and  treated each patient.  From helping Ms. Foster with a case of cellulitis, assisting Mrs. Livingston with her fractured tibia, and we cannot forget Mrs. Edwards.   I think I saw a couple of standardized patients roaming the halls.

Just as the afternoon began more students arrived.  To my surprise they were all there to see me.  You guys are really great however someone poked me with an ink pen and boy oh boy did that hurt.

All week we stayed really busy. Last week was great.

By the way, come in closer for this one.  Shhhh.  I have to whisper.   I think I heard, they were going to bring the Medical House of Horror back this year.  I can’t wait to see this.

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