Learn EBP Online

Learn EBP Online

New Course Teaches Evidence-Based Practice Model

by Jonathan Eichberger

A new online course in evidence-based practice (EBP) is now available from the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing.
The 12-hour course consists of five core modules:

  1. Understand the context for the use of EBP by nurses and the Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP Model
  2. Identify problems, formulate the EBP question, and create a project team
  3. Search for evidence and appraise evidence using standard tools
  4. Decide to change practice based on the evidence
  5. Address the challenges of implementing change and strategies for successful translation

Available to individuals, healthcare organization staff, and nursing school students, the EBP course is tailored to the participant who can learn at his/her own pace, at any time, from any computer with internet access. The course is just one product now available in the Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP collection of books, workshops, and consultation services that are the result of a decade of collaboration between faculty and nurses from The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Learn more at www.ijhn.jhmi.edu.