Public Health- St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Public Health- St. Vincent and the Grenadines

My friend Samantha and several other gals went down to St. Vincent and the Grenadines to participate in their public health clinical. Sam was fabulous enough to write me about her experience- enjoy!


Early last month, along with six other students, one clinical instructor, and far too heavy of a suitcase, I set off on a ten day trip to St. Vincent and the Grenadines to complete my public health clinical practicum experience.  St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a collection of thirty-two islands, inlets and cays, eight of which are inhabited.  The vast majority (91 percent) of individuals who reside in St. Vincent and the Grenadines reside on the largest island of St. Vincent, which is where we spent over a week living, working, and exploring the exotic landscape and vibrant culture.


From Monday through Friday we spent the greater part of our days working in four different community health clinics located on the southernmost part of the island.  Whether it was hypertension and diabetes screening, antenatal visits, newborn check-ups or even emergency situations, we were thrown into the front lines of the clinics’ highly skilled team of nurses and worked directly with patients; completing assessments, providing health teaching, or connecting them with community resources.  In addition, some of us had the opportunity to attend home visits in the community our clinic served, which offered a unique perspective into the Vincentian lifestyle.


Although it felt as if we had to depart as soon as we had settled into island life in St. Vincent, our international public health clinical was a rich experience in global health and served as a source of inspiration for the powerful role nurses have in the health and wellness of the communities they serve.


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