In the News

In the News

Margaret Adams, traditional ’12, chronicled her experience shadowing a nurse practitioner visiting migrant worker camps in the September issue of Urbanite. “These workers, many brought here on H2B visas, reveal their ailments: a twisted shoulder, pesticide rashes, feet swollen from long hours standing in water,” she writes. “I do my best to translate their words, my tongue twisting on the rural accents of countries far from here.” Faculty member Phyllis Sharps, PhD, RN, writes a regular column entitled “Hopkins Health Check Up” for Heart & Soul magazine. In October Sharps answered a question about oral health and pregnancy.” Oral health is an essential part of overall health for adults, especially pregnant women,” she wrote. “Dental care is not only safe, it’s necessary during pregnancy.”

Faculty member Elizabeth (Betty) Jordan, DNSc, MSN, RNC, appeared in a Johnson & Johnson video, explaining how Text4Baby can improve the health of mothers and infants. See it online at

In a November 26 article published on, faculty member Laura Taylor, PhD, RN, discussed a recent study that reports that people who get married may be more likely to receive a kidney transplant when they need one.

Dean Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, was interviewed on Prime Time Radio for AARP about the new Center for Global Nursing and the nursing shortage. The interview was carried nationwide on more than 200 radio stations and reached more than 1 million listeners.

In the December 6 Baltimore Sun, Church Home alumna Myrtle Miller Watson ’35 recalled the day she cared for victims of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Master’s student Anela Kellogg, BS ’07, RN, is promoting healthy diet and lifestyle at a local homeless shelter. The news has been publicized by six different media, including News Blaze, Medical News Today, MedIndia,, Bioportfolio, and Organized Wisdom.