Class News

Class News


Class Reporter—Laura Brautigam June, (760) 366-8181, [email protected]. Georgia Rauch Athens and her husband are first-time grandparents. Dottie McGuire has been back in rehab since August; she became a great grandmother for the second time recently. Mary Boley Camp has a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt speaking to the class in 1945 at Hampton House; she had 28 family members at their annual reunion this fall. June Cutts McLean will be headed to the Iberian Coast this year. Jean Douglas McNab has five great grandchildren, and is still making stained glass. Astrid Johnsen Reiley has children and grandchildren living nearby. Mona Staska Riley is very active in Senior Club at her church and antique club. We were sad to learn that Phyllis Conner passed away in December. We have 29 of the original 100 left from our class.

Class of ’50

Class Reporter—Betty Borenstein Scher, (443) 449-5934, [email protected]. After all the news gathered for our 60th reunion, there is still news from holiday cards. Cora Lawrence remains as active as always: doing original writing started in a class at University of Washington; reading several non-fiction books; singing in a choir; planning a trip by ferry to Alaska. Greetings from Marion Bee, who sent some graduate caps to our Archives. She is “enjoying retirement, reading, Scrabble, crossword puzzles, beautiful flower garden in season, and …busy as I want to be!!” Card from Jo McDavid Hubbard with no “new news.” Anna Clair Junkin doing okay in all ways. Although Mary Agnes Hull Stewart is unable to communicate with us, her son, Tim, and his wife, with whom she lives much of the year, sent us greetings and brought us up to date with our classmate. With the arrival of Beth and Tim’s first granddaughter, Mary Agnes has a great granddaughter. Ernie Delsignore hopes that he will be well enough to get to our next reunion. Charlie Royer sent his summary of the year: too many hospitalizations for him, all of his family doing well. Ruth Stilz Whitmore, Anna Clair Junkin, and Betty Borenstein Scher get together by phone and for lunches. Have a great 2011!!

Class of ’51

Class Reporter—Rose Mary Burroughs Schulte, (410) 828-1033, [email protected]. Pris Gray Teeter lives at a retirement community near all her children. She is busy, traveling, volunteering at church, local hospital and art centers, and being mom, grandmother and great grandmother. Fran Signorelli Peeler lives in Annapolis with her husband of 59 years, close to their children and 11 grandchildren. Their neighbors are George and Gerry Waybright Settle. Lois Pagoria Gallagher is planning to come to the reunion. She became a great grandmother this past summer. Anne Morooney lives near one of her sons. Her other son and four grandchildren live in PA. Rosie Ghysels is making plans for a move to a retirement community. She had a mini- Michigan reunion with Cathy Morton Bork and Jane Boice Turnbull in August. Betty Stehly Cantrell gets together with alums in Seattle occasionally. She is involved with community disabled population and is caretaker for her disabled cousin since 1979. Bettie Lou Hering Webster hopes to come to the reunion. She has 10 grandchildren…one nurse in the offing! Rose Mary Burroughs Schulte and Joe have children in DE, NJ and FL and have 17 grandchildren. Rose Mary volunteers a couple days a week or whenever she is in a vertical position. Jacquie Fosdick Bronson has nine grandchildren. She is involved with P.E.O. Philanthropic Education Organization that promotes and fosters education for women. Our sympathy goes out to Esther Moore Clement on the death of her husband in January 2011.

Class of ’55

Joan DeVilbiss is involved in her church choir, orchestra and is a member of the Triangle Garden Club. She had a lower spine fusion in 2006, a right total knee replacement in 2008 and a left total knee in 2010.
Class of ’61

Class Reporter—Wendy Gehlbach, (772) 229-0601, [email protected]. As we approach our 50th reunion, it is especially important that we contact one another. Mark your calendars for September 23-24, 2011. For the past year or two, Judy Rothman Pochop, Rose Rufener Taylor, Barb Shepard Feigenbaum, Lois Whipp Boor and I have been meeting for lunch every few months. We are delighted to have Flo Smith Milliott, one of our PreClin instructors, join us. It is great to reconnect, reminisce, and share life experiences. I’ve been lucky enough to see Ginny Null Holst several times, as well as Mary Ann Quink Slowick and Judy Gooden Bolton during a New England vacation in 2009. Judy Bolton is beginning her second three-year term on the Board of Directors of the local hospital MA (not the health care system she retired from). It is a different experience sitting on “the other side of the table.” Boards have so much responsibility and fortunately enough authority to make a difference. She has been Chair of the Quality Committee and has found the work surprisingly rewarding, though a little too much like working at times. Small rural community hospitals are struggling to survive, so helping the Board stay focused on patients feels like a good way to be spending her time and carries on the “Hopkins tradition” in rural America. On a personal note, their younger son was married at their home in 2010. A good friend, who is an Episcopal priest, performed the ceremony. Their granddaughters were the flower girls. Julia plans to make the 50th and hopes to see everyone there! Madelon Henderson Ceman is working as a Case Manager for Health Services Management. She has 100 patients whom she follows monthly. Barb Shepard Feigenbaum is “enjoying wiggling my toes after 27 years in the mental health field.” They have nine “grands.”  “I enjoy connecting with FL JHH friends—that’s a blessing.” Nancy Krouse Krauss works two 10-hour days/week as a child psychotherapist at U of MD Medical Center. Her son Robert lives in TX with four children and son Randal lives across the road from Nancy. She reports that she and Connie Lehman Clark are taking a trip to Holland this year. Cathy Peters Jones, Bob and her granddaughter traveled to China. They have five handsome grandsons to enjoy! Lois Boor and Bill have joined the ranks of snow birds here in FL. Mary Ann Slowick and Jim welcomed their ninth grandchild. She works a couple of night shifts a week despite bad knees! Charlotte Kunkel Taylor checked in with Christmas greetings. Judy & Hal Pochop spent time with their daughters in CA and CO, and enjoyed visits with their six grandchildren. They joined Wendy & Art Gehlbach and Flo Milliott for an annual JHU Crab Fest—we literally ate for three hours! Our FL group attended Hopkins Medicine’s annual meeting at the Breakers. This year we enjoyed dinner with Dean Martha Hill, Fiona Newton and Samantha Zipp-Dowd from the SON. In July, Ole and Ginny Holst came to the US for their grand adventure—three months traveling across the US and north to Alaska! In December, Ginny brought two of her grandchildren to NYC. Donna Stonesifer Hargett writes that she underwent treatment for breast cancer a year ago. She continues to work about 1 days/week at Children’s Heart Clinic as well as being involved in a Magnet assignment. Travel and dancing occupy her spare time. She is poised to graduate to Silver 3 level and hopes to resume local competitions. Her family, including six granddaughters, are all well. Kathy Downs Cayward is having some health problems but is looking forward to seeing everyone in September. Nan Wheeler Matais hopes to see everyone in September! You will soon be receiving information about our 50th reunion. Hope to see you there.

Class of ’64

Class Reporter—Gerry Pignato Peterson, (301) 229-1538, [email protected]. Most of this report is thanks to Eileen Sweetland Leinweber, who continues to be involved in Learning in Retirement and the local ARC BOD. She has four granddaughters. Number five is due in July. So will it be number five granddaughter or number one grandson? Kathie Johnson is retired from nursing and has started her own business in the sale of antiques and consignment items. She has two grandsons. Beth Bernard Phillips works four days a week as a staff nurse in the OR at Zale Lipsey Hospital. She has five grandsons (# six baby due 1/11). Helene Botta Williams works a four-day week in her retirement job. She is enjoying the newest granddaughter. I’m proud and happy to be on the Board of the JH Nurses’ Alumni Association and eager to hear your thoughts and ideas for the Association. Did you know that Martha Norton Hill will receive the 2011 Leadership in Research Award from the Southern Nursing Research Society?
Class of ’71

Class Reporter—Joan Monchak Lorenz, [email protected], (813) 874-2187. I have been living in WY for a bit over a year, working as a NM of an acute psychiatric unit. I resigned as of 3/1/2011. What’s next? Not sure. Marcia Wilson Bassity writes that following the death of her mother, they moved to CO to be closer to two of their children. Marcia says that “after my second stint in management, I am now happily back at the bedside, working in the ED taking care of patients.” She is keeping her options open for other job opportunities that will allow her to gracefully slide into retirement! Marcia says that their house is a fixer-upper on about three acres in the foothills of the Rockies. She says she is enjoying the cold and snow and mountains. Kristine Milillo LiFari is happy being called Granny, as her son and his wife have a beautiful daughter. Her daughter is studying to be an art therapist. Kris works as a Medical Liability Field Representative in defense of doctors, nurses, NPs, MWs and PAs. Janice Wright Kilby is semi-retired, working only 1 to 2 days a month and enjoys walking the beach with her husband.

Class of ’72

Debra Case was recently promoted to the newly created position of director of clinical education at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Class of ’99

Accelerated  Jennifer Holmes lives in CA with her architect husband Robert Creasy and their one-year-old son.

Class of ’01

Accelerated  Amy Klepetar and her husband live in Northern British Columbia. She is teaching in a BSCN program.

Class of ’02

Jennifer Klein serves on the JHU Dallas Alumni Chapter committee as well as co-chairing the Nurses’ Alumni Regional Connection group in Dallas with Megan Hoffmann Foradori ’04.

Class of ’02 Accelerated

Jennifer Pelura Ghadisha graduated as a Women’s Health NP. She, her husband, and two daughters live in Las Vegas and expect their third child in June. Jennifer reports that Carrie Patton Chesnik graduated with her nurse anesthetist degree. Grace Sun is an FNP and lives in TX with her husband and two children. She is on the faculty at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

Class of ’03

Accelerated  Marik Moen is an assistant professor in the Family–Community Health Department at U of MD SON. She also works on global education initiatives, and serves as nurse educator with the UM SOM Institute of Human Virology AIDS Relief program. She and her husband have a one year old.

Class of ’04

Megan Hoffmann Foradori lives in TX and is in nursing research and coaching a swim team for children with disabilities. Jennifer Rock May was married 10/ 2010 at the US Military Academy at West Point.

Class of ’05

Justin Graves completed the Ironman Florida in under 14 hours, and qualified for the Boston Marathon.

Class of ’06 Accelerated (17 month class)

Class Reporter—Lisa Kowal, (410) 732-3808, [email protected]. We’ll celebrate our five-year reunion at Alumni Weekend September 23–24. I want to set a goal—let’s try to publish everyone’s accomplishments since graduating. Please email me an update. The goal is to hear from all of you.  Hope to see in September.

Class of ’07 Accelerated

Meghan Lopez is in Nicaragua as the country director of Wholechild International, an orphanage reform program funded by the Inter American Development Bank.

Class of ’09

Since graduation, Mary McQuilkin has raised over $4,000 for the Sydney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Baltimore Hope Lodge, biking from Baltimore to San Francisco. She then left for Uganda to be a Community Health Volunteer. Mary formed the Peace Corps Uganda Sexual Harassment and Assault Committee in order to improve Peace Corps’ Uganda staff’s ability to support volunteers reporting sexual violence.

Class of ’10

Whitney Morgan Block had her first article published. She co-authored, along with Gavin J. Putzer, MD, PhD, MPH, and Juan R. Jaramillo, PhD, an article in the Southern Medical Journal titled Children with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders.

Class of ’10 Accelerated

Frank Mataska works at The Christopher School, a therapeutic residential school which services children with developmental disabilities who require 24-hour supervision.
For more details and photos, go to

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