Alumni Update

Alumni Update

As we start a new calendar year, I am happy to report that more of you are reaching out to the alumni office to provide your current information. This enables them to continue to connect students and alumni in various cities, which helps expand our nursing community, provide resources and mentors to students, and keep alumni engaged with the School as well.

What’s New

The Alumni Association continues to sponsor networking events at Hopkins. Most recently we hosted a DNP/PhD reception, which allowed members of the doctoral programs to enjoy informal time to get to know one another. There was a great suggestion that DNP students be paired with a graduate of the program as an informal mentor. DNP nurses, let us know if you are interested.

At our networking panel events, alumni are featured in an informal panel discussion to speak about their professional experiences, offer advice, and answer questions for undergraduate and graduate students. The students are able to enjoy an evening with food and interaction with alumni. Let us know if you are interested in participating in future panels.

The Alumni Association also co-hosted a celebration ceremony and reception for master’s program graduates in December. This event was wonderful, moving, and made special through the personal remarks of Anthony Pho, accelerated ’08, the president of the Graduate Student Nurses Association. Congratulations graduates and keep in touch!

The Nurses Alumni Board thought it would be a great idea to share some Hopkins history in this and future issues (see sidebar on Nancy Ellicott, 1903, on page 55). Betty Scher ’50, Lois Hoffer ’62, Phyllis Naumann, MSN ’94, and Deb Kennedy, CHH ’73, are the individuals who work on the nursing archives at Hopkins. There is so much history to learn and we would like to proudly share some of the accomplishments of our alumni leaders.

Take Action

We continue to look for alumni to join committees—even from a distance through conference calls! If you are interested, please let us know. Please do not hesitate to send us your comments and suggestions ([email protected] or 410-955-4285). Keep the alumni office abreast of where you are and your specialty in nursing. Join in on the fun and help us engage our new graduates.

Be a mentor, a regional connections member, a committee member, or an active member of the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association by paying your dues to the JHU Alumni Association.

We need you! Be engaged!!

Tina Cafeo, MSN ’97, RN
President, JHNAA