4 months.
That’s the amount of time we have left in this program. It’s seriously unbelievable how fast yet packed this program has been. When I was home over spring break, I was thinking about where I was one year ago. In fact, I had been visiting Portland, OR – visiting my college friends before locking myself away in Baltimore for a year. I’d had a countdown on my white board at home. I was studying for my second Microbiology test in between working overtime as a CNA trying to save for Baltimore.
And here I am in the home stretch. I’m starting to shop online for NCLEX review books, applying for new graduate programs and jobs all over the country, and signing up for any certification I can get (yes, I think a $275 ACLS class is worth it – who needs savings?).
The last few weeks of the Adult Health have been great. The class is run beautifully with really amazing guest speakers and interesting lectures. I’ve really enjoyed my unit as well – the nurses have been extremely insightful, and I feel really lucky I’ve landed with them. One nurse in particular has been very willing to take us under her wing, finding every opportunity to show us wounds, dressing changes, bedside procedures, and equipment care. It’s always really important to ask, too. It can be very intimidating as a student to say, “Hey, can I do that?” But we have to learn some way and no one is in charge of taking advantage of those opportunities but us.
A note for prospective students: I’m sure many of you have burning questions and need some help finding places to live, where to find books, and how to navigate the great city that is Baltimore. Please feel free to email me – I will try and get back to you as best I can!!