Winter break is slipping away… it’s scary and exciting at the same time.
Scary, because school will be starting soon and that means studying, tests, clinicals, and new challenges.
Exciting, because I will have the chance to meet new people, learn new things, and enjoy new experiences that are only possible at JHUSON.
This will be my second semester so I hope I have a better idea of what to expect; however,with new professors and new classes anything could happen. No matter what happens, I know there are a few things I need to work on and goals that I need to accomplish within the next few months.
1. I want to stay positive about my future. I really want to focus on my goals and my abilities and not get bogged down by what other students are doing. It is not surprising that many of my classmates and I are type “A” personalities and we all like to be on top of our game. However, I have realized that worrying about what others are doing and trying to make sure that I am just as good as them is too time consuming. I want to focus on me and what my goals are for this semester instead of trying to keep up with everyone else.
2. I need to build my confidence as a person and as a nurse. At times last semester, I remember thinking “Am I really good enough to be a Johns Hopkins University Nursing School student? Do I have what it takes to be successful?” When negative thoughts clouded my mind, I would always remember that someone on the JHUSON admissions committee believed in me and gave me a chance to be successful. I know that I need to prove to them, and to myself, that I going to become a nurse … and not just any nurse, but a great nurse!!! So, my goal is to believe in myself and enjoy the ride known as nursing school.
3. My final goal is to take advantage of the opportunities, speakers, meetings, and other amazing things that JHUSON has to offer. There are always speakers and meetings and learning opportunities going on at school and I really want to take advantage of them. Last semester, I went to a few meetings and heard amazing people speak about their adventures in nursing so I hope to hear more this semester.
It is going to be a great semester, I can feel it! I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future (my amazing Jesus) and I know that anything can happen with his help. God bless all of the JHUSON students and good luck on a new semester!!