You know you are finished your first semester of nursing school (at Hopkins) when…
1. You feel like you could sleep for days (and some of you do).
2. You go to a party to celebrate finishing school and it’s 99% women.
3. You read anything that is not a textbook.
4. You have no reason to set an alarm.
5. You’re hanging out with friends, it may get rowdy, and someone shouts, “Hey! Don’t worry; we’ve got a nurse here!”
6. You constantly find yourself assessing strangers on the street. Especially now that it is winter you’re attune to their cough and breathing rates.
7. Anything that requires getting out of bed can probably wait until tomorrow.
8. Catching up on television and movies is more important than….doing anything else right now.
9. You see a rubber duck and you…
10. Did I mention that you sleep a lot?
11. People ask you for medical advice.
12. You forgot what an IPOC means and have no intention of remembering until January 24th.
13. You keep telling yourself Fred doesn’t really exist and that it was all just a bad dream.
14. Nursing school friends call to catch up and you respond in SBAR format:
S: I am totally freaking out right now! My feet are so happy.
B: I went to the mall today and got the cutest boots.
A: They are tall, black leather with a gold zipper up the back.
R: I recommend that you need to get a pair. Now.
Would anyone like to add anything?
Enjoy this picture of my clinical group from this semester! Happy Holidays!!!