Nursing Magazine

Nursing Magazine

The online version of the magazine for the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association.

Features By Geoff Brown

A Curious Mind
Nurses’ skills in observing and adjusting treatments, medications, and even habits for patients gives nursing research a new and important role in the evolution of healthcare in America.  For those on “a quest for making things better,” says National Institute of Nursing Research Director Patricia Grady, “a curious mind is the thing you most need.”

Discover a Better Way to Care
Nurse researchers excel in investigating techniques to assess, care for, and empower their patients.  Whether developing tools for use at the bedside, conducting research with patients in local or global communities, or mentoring the next generation of nurse scientists, Hopkins nurse researchers are committed to discovering a better way to care.

Making Research Relevant
It is the translation of research into action that brings new knowledge to bear on patient care.  And who better to ensure that research rapidly be applied to the clinical setting than nurses?  “There’s a a long history of public trust of nursing,” says Professor Miyong Kim.  “We can make research relevant for people.”


Hill’s Side

On the Pulse
Executive and alumni mentors, desegregation at Hopkins, Men in nursing, and more.

Bench to Bedside
When staff behave badly, simulations teach safety, and more.

Global Nursing
Hopkins nurses in Haiti, news from Korea and St. Croix.

Live from 525
In South Africa, two students learn from people, healthcare, culture, and health disparities.

Hopkins Nurse
An OB wedding, 704 infection-free days, a nurse angel and other news from the Johns Hopkins Hospitals.

Faculty, Students, and Staff News

Hopkins Nurses in the News

News from the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumni Association

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