Research Assistant Brandon Johnson earned the 2nd place award in the Research Abstract Oral Competition, and Research Assistant Mindy McEntee took the 1st place award in the Clinical Innovation Poster Competition at the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.
Faculty—Health Systems & Outcomes Patti Abbott, PhD, RN, served as a guest editor for the June 2010 issue of Knowledge Management & E-Learning. She was also recently appointed to the National Health Information Technology Advisory Committee of the National Quality Forum.
Pamela Jeffries, DNS, RN, participated in a National League for Nursing Think Tank On Simulation for High-Stakes Evaluation in Nursing Education in Indianapolis, IN. She was also one of 24 international delegates invited to Copenhagen to inform and guide future international healthcare simulation research.
Sarah Szanton, PhD, CRNP, presented “Home-based Interdisciplinary Translational Research” to the National Advisory Board of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Clinical and Translational Science Awards.
Faculty—Acute & Chronic Care
Anne Belcher, PhD, RN, presented “Spiritual Care Delivery for Elders with Cancer” at the International Psycho-Oncology Society’s 12th World Congress in Quebec City, Quebec.
Rosemary Mortimer, MEd, RN, was elected by the American Nursing Association House of Delegates to the Congress of Practice and Economics for a four-year term at their biennial convention.
Sharon Olsen, PhD, RN, discussed the implications of three evolving national policy changes for Clinical Nurse Specialists at the Chesapeake Bay Clinical Nurse Specialist Affiliate Meeting in Baltimore.
Julie Stanik-Hutt, PhD, ACNP, presented a keynote speech entitled “Healthcare Reform: How Will it Affect Nurse Practitioners?” at the inaugural Nurse Practitioner Conference for Hospital-Based Nurse Practitioners in Houston, TX. She also presented “Safety, Quality and Effectiveness of Care: The Evidence Supporting APN Practice” at the American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition in Washington, D.C.
Faculty—Community–Public Health
Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, attended the July bill signing for the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 at the White House. She was invited in recognition of her work with Native American tribes to use her Danger Assessment Tool for police responding to domestic violence calls.

Jason Farley, PhD, CRNP, was invited to the World Health Organization/President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief planning meeting on scaling up nursing and medical education.
, PhD, CRNP, and Cheryl Dennison, PhD, RN, were named in the Daily Record’s first annual “Successful by 40 VIP List.”
Joan Kub, PhD, RN, facilitated a post-conference session on innovative teaching strategies at the Association of Community Health Nurse Educators and Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing joint meeting in Arlington, VA.
Jodi Shaefer, PhD, RN, received the first annual Teaching Innovation Award from the School’s Office for Teaching Excellence for incorporating active learning, encouraging cooperation among students, and accommodating diverse talents and ways of learning.
Phyllis Sharps, PhD, RN, received an award at an Appreciation Dinner for mentors in the RISE (Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement) program. This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiative supports recent baccalaureate graduates’ transition into graduate programs for biomedical careers.
Dan Sheridan, PhD, RN, who serves as a board member on the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, attended the 6th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Washington, D.C. He recently worked with Maryland’s Lieutenant Governor to draft an executive order recommending—and funding—domestic violence programs at every hospital in Maryland.
Graduate student Neysa Ernst, ’06, was honored at a luncheon ceremony by the JHH Department of Medicine for her contributions to the Osler Medical House staff.
Madison Campbell, ’11, Sarah (Lindi) Hobongwana, ’11, and Tenley Spatz, ’11, were among the 500 students (out of 6,500 applicants) to receive a nursing scholarship from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. Hobongwana also received scholarship funds from the Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Cheerios Brand Health Initiative.
Andrea Mascorro, accelerated ’10, and Laura Mitchell, ’11, have been selected as American Psychiatric Nurses Asso-ciation Janssen Student Scholars for 2010.
Frank Mataska, accelerated ’10, received a scholarship from the Cherokee A Nurse I Am Scholarship Program.
Amy Roberts, ’11, Laura Mitchell, ’11, and Nicole Heidelberg, ’11, received Promise of Nursing scholarships from the Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association.
Eun Jung Suh, ’11, received the United Nations NGO Leadership Award for excellence in international leadership and multicultural community service. The award was given by GCS (Goodwill, Cooperation, and Service) International and Action for Peace through Prayer and Aid.
Faculty member Dan Sheridan and alumni Katherine Nash, MSN ’05, Christine Poulos, MSN ’08, Sandra Watt, MSN ’06, and Lynn Fauerbach, MSN ’08, wrote a textbook chapter on intimate partner violence that earned 1st place in the American Medical Writers Association Medical Book Awards.
A research team led by faculty member Cheryl Dennison received the 1st place 2010 American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Clinical Innovation Award for the research project, “Establishing feasibility of a telemanagement system to facilitate self-care among African American heart failure patients.” The team includes research assistants Brandon Johnson and Mindy McEntee, alumna Joann Ioannou, PhD students Yvonne Commodore-Mensah and Karen Davis, MSN student Kelly Caslin, MSN graduate Stacey Rotman, and faculty members Jerilyn Allen and Miyong Kim.
Faculty members Sara Groves, Joan Kub, Joyce Vazzano, and Kelly Bower; MSN students Anne Cavett, Sheyanga Beecher, and Alisa Fallow; and BS graduates Lisa Paul, Leigh Ash, and Tasia Wagner traveled to Haiti this summer to work with the Haitian Health Foundation.
Accelerated ’10 students Nichole Tscheulin, Jessica Silvert, Sarah Lutenski, Susan Zhen, Kelli Murphy, Christiane Garcia, and Uzoma Njemanze organized a health fair for survivors of intimate partner violence at the House of Ruth as part of their Public Health clinical rotation with instructor Sonja Emerson.